Inter-Islands Environmental Meeting 2012 Alderney

Fort Clonque, Alderney. Photo by Alderney Wildlife TrustThis year’s annual inter-islands environmental meeting will be held in Alderney at Island Hall (Anne French Room) in St. Anne on 25th and 26th October. Hosted by the Alderney Wildlife Trust, this year’s meeting is supported by States of Alderney and the Alderney Commission for Renewable Energy (ACRE). Please e-mail Frankie Yates, Assistant Ecologist, Alderney Wildlife Trust for more information

The provisional agenda shows how wide-ranging this year’s meeting will be:

Day 1
Session 1
0945 In Memory  – Charles David and Margaret Long will be remembered
Conservation Grazing (Julia Henney)
• The use of pigs in bracken clearance (Sarah Lewington)
• Alderney Conservation Grazing Project Update
• Invertebrates in Conservation Planning
Developments on the state of Jersey’s butterflies’ 2013-14; a project focused
on using butterflies as environmental indicators, including looking for changes
in land management regimes especially countryside stewardship (Nina Cornish)
• Land Management for Insects in the Channel Islands (David Wedd)

Session 2
• Convention on Biodiversity – a Workshop for Small Territories held in Guernsey
Oct 2012 (Andrew McCutcheon)
• BIRDS ON THE EDGE: an update on the launch of the project to restore
Jersey’s coastlands and return the red-billed chough to the Channel Islands (Glyn Young and Liz Corry)
• Plémont Update – major land acquisition in the Channel Islands (Jon Horn)
• Seabird Season 2012 update (Paul Veron) 

Gannets at Ortac, Alderney. Photo by Alderney Wildlife TrustSession 3 Marine surveys, the standardisation of data handling and sharing of resources between the islands
Update on marine monitoring – the need for standardization of marine survey
methodology, data effort and shared resourcing within the islands (Greg Morel)
• UK Marine Monitoring Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS) – an update from the JNCC (joint cetacean protocol – marine renewable industry – data use guide)
• The Channel Marine Bird Observatory – developments following the
conclusions of the meeting held in Caen on 7/9/12. (What are the shared
species of interest between CI and France? What are the protocols for
consideration, the sites of concern, how do we share data, and who does
what?) (Karine Dedieu)

Session 4
1545 • Marine Strategic Planning; developing Ramsar Strategy to serve a purpose
(Alderney Wildlife Trust)
• Progress with Marine Protected Areas and Marine Habitat Mapping in the Isle of
Man (Fiona Gell)
• Overview of cetacean, seal & basking shark monitoring for the Isle of Man (Eleanor Stone)
• “FAME” (Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment) – a review to date (Helen
1700 End of day wind up discussion

Day 2

0700-0830 Morning bird-walk

All day: Workshops
• Conservation Management in practice
• Invertebrates and invasives in conservation management (includes site visit)
• Marine Monitoring techniques
• Environmental Impact Assessment practices


Global loss of bird species and subspecies speeds up

From Surfbirds

A new paper published this week reports that the rate of bird extinctions is accelerating at an alarming rate. Global patterns and drivers of avian extinctions at the species and subspecies level, published in PLoS One is free to download and reveals that 279 bird species and subspecies from across the globe have become extinct in the last 500 years. The study shows that species extinctions peaked in the early 20th century, then fell until the mid-20th century, and have subsequently accelerated.

“Until this study it had been hoped the rate of extinction was slowing”, said lead author Dr Judit Szabo. “Historically most extinctions have occurred on islands, particularly those in the Pacific, but most of the really susceptible species are long gone.”

The study shows that the destruction of native habitat for agriculture is currently the main cause of extinctions. Unsustainable hunting and the introduction of alien species, such as cats and rats, have been the main causes of extinctions in the past.

“Humans are directly or indirectly responsible for this loss”, Dr Szabo said.

The world’s nations had agreed through the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to slow biodiversity loss by 2010, and having failed to reach this goal, the target has now been adjusted to 2020.

Report co-author Dr Stuart Butchart, BirdLife International’s Global Research Coordinator, said many species survive only because of conservation interventions. “This list would have been much longer were it not for the work being done around the world to stop extinctions. But we need to scale up our efforts substantially to avoid further human-induced extinctions”, said Dr Butchart. “Our analysis provides the most detailed picture to date of recent extinctions and will help us identify strategies to tackle the loss of biodiversity and halt future human-induced extinctions. The Conference of the Parties of the CBD in Hyderabad, India will need some firm action to achieve its target of achieving this by 2020.”

In Jersey we have seen the loss from our island of several bird species over the last 20-30 years. While none of these birds are in imminent threat of global extinction, each loss represents the slow but steady crumbling away of their ranges and populations. BIRDS ON THE EDGE hopes to help prevent the disappearance of further birds and return some to our Island.

Choughs at Sept Iles, Brittany

Red-billed chough at Ile Grande, August 2012. Photo by Armel DeniauUpdate by Régis Perdriat of the LPO Station at l’Île Grande

Regis reports that in August and September this year there have been 2-3 red-billed choughs visiting the vicinity of the Station and Brittany’s Sept Îles Reserve. With 50+ pairs of choughs breeding in Brittany, the species’ nearest stronghold is Ile Ouessant (Ushant), the island at the western end of the Brest Peninsula.  Brittany. Map by Tim Wright

These sightings are not the first as in recent years there have been several choughs recorded in the reserve and in the vicinity of the Île Grande station:

• 1-2 birds were seen at the LPO Station between 18th October and 6th December 1987;
• 1 bird seen at the LPO Station 31st October and 2nd November 1994;Rouzic island - 7 îles archipelago. Photo by Régis Perdriat
• 1 bird seen in August 1997 on Île Rouzic (the island of the Sept Îles with the gannet colony);
• 3 birds seen between the 8th and 20th August 2005 (one bird had been ringed on Ouessant in May of the same year and was back on Ouessant two months later);
• 7 birds were seen at the LPO Station on 3rd October 2007 and 2 on the 17th October;
Red-billed chough at Ile Grande, August 2012. Photo by Armel Deniau• 2-3 birds seen regularly between the 20th August and the 17th of September 2012.

Interestingly there have been sightings of choughs even further north including birds at Cap Fréhel, Calais and even a juvenile at the Antifer nature reserve (Seine Maritime).

These records from l’Île Grande and the Sept Îles Reserve Red-billed chough at Ile Grande, August 2012. Photo by Armel Deniauon Bittany’s north coast well show how much these birds may roam along the coast to the south of Jersey.


Chough report: September 2012

Report from Liz Corry

Captive choughs at Durrell

The chough-fle shuffle begins. Photo by Liz CorryIn the wild at this time of the year breeding pairs, juveniles, and non-breeding adults are coming together to form their winter flocking groups. In captivity this is replicated by moving all the birds into our large display aviary. However, due to the imminent re-introduction plans we are keeping the potential release candidates separate from the other choughs. So Operation chough-fle shuffle was put into place by the keepers this month.

Red-billed chough in the hand. Photo by Liz CorryThe shuffle began with the breeding pairs being moved out from their aviaries to off-show holding facilities (LNQ). The non-breeding birds (release candidates) in the display aviary were moved down to the breeding aviaries. Then, finally, the breeding pairs could be moved into the display aviary.

To avoid any negative associations with their keepers the non-breeding birds were netted by non-uniformed staff and handled by different species’ keepers. Once in the hand all birds were weighed, had a general health check, Arthur returns to the display aviary. Photo by Liz Corryand had blood samples taken by the vet for disease screening. A group faecal sample was taken prior to the catch-up for disease screening, which was also submitted as part of Durrell’s bi-annual screening process.  It took two days to catch up all six birds because they first needed to be lured into the shut-off cage before netting. After the first two birds were trapped the others became understandably wary of going in the shut-off, hence the two days.

Red-billed choughs in Durrell display aviary. Photo by Liz CorryWith the display aviary empty and cleaned both breeding pairs were caught up once again and moved down into the display aviary. They were released at the same time to avoid one pair establishing a territory before the other. Observations were made by keepers for the first two hours after mixing and continued intermittently over the next few days to make sure everyone was harmonious.

As expected, last year’s dominant pair, Tristan and Issy, made their presence known and repeatedly flew around the aviary vocalising. This was matched by Arthur and Gwinny although they preferred to stay perched high. There were a couple of mid-air scuffles in which Tristan brought one of the other birds to the ground but these only lasted a few seconds. The birds are more confident in the aviary than they were last year and are more tolerant of the keepers being in the aviary. Arthur and Gwinny are always first down for insects: this could be seen as a positive thing if the birds are more confident. However, it might be that the other pair is stopping them from getting to the main food dishes when the keepers are not there. This behaviour is being closely monitored by the keepers.





The fall and rise of the chough in Cornwall

Cornish chough. Photo by Bob Sharples we prepare to return the red-billed chough to Jersey this recent summary of the bird’s disappearance from Cornwall and its successful return is very timely. See Cornish Choughs for the whole story.

Key dates

1800s: A marked decline in numbers of choughs in Cornwall due to persecution and habitat decline
1930s: Probably only half a dozen breeding pairs remain in Cornwall
1947: Last successful breeding recorded in Cornwall
1967: One of the last pair found dead
1973: Last chough in Cornwall seen in February 1973

1973-2000: A handful of records of choughs passing through, two birds arrived at Rame Head in 1996 and stayed for 6 months
2001: Choughs return naturally to Cornwall – a small influx of birds recorded and three birds settle at the tip of the Lizard peninsula
2002: Choughs successfully breed in Cornwall again
2006: Two pairs of choughs raise young in Cornwall. Also first documented record of colour-ringed Welsh choughs in England (seen in Somerset and north Devon)
2008: First chough chicks born in West Penwith, Cornwall, for 150 years
2011: Six pairs nest in Cornwall
2012: Seven pairs nest in Cornwall.

Cornish chough. Photo by Bob Sharples that natural recolonisation been successful?  These figures show the slow but steady increase in the number of breeding pairs and youngsters fledged from Cornish nests. Not all young choughs are expected to survive, these are long-lived birds with a high mortality rate, especially in their first year, but the survival rates of Cornish birds are very good compared to other UK populations.

Year    Pairs     Young fledged
2002   1            3
2003   1            3
2004   1            4
2005   1            5
2006   2            8
2007   2            9
2008   2            6
2009   5            8     Two pairs successful, two young pairs attempt to breed
2010   6            9     Three pairs successful, two attempt and one male pair
2011   6            15   Four pairs successful, one pair’s eggs predated, plus one male pair
2012   7            18   Five pairs productive, plus one young pair and one male pair

Love Plémont

Love Plemont logoThe National Trust for Jersey, with other partners, has launched a new campaign for the protection of the Plémont headland, called Love Plémont. The campaign aims to raise awareness concerning the beauty of this important coastline site, save the headland from future development and restore it back to its former glory. Check out the website and the Facebook page Love Plémont

The Countryside Enhancement Scheme

If anybody interested in BIRDS ON THE EDGE is a coastal landowner and is in a position to help achieve the project aims, there is potential financial aid available via the Countryside Enhancement Scheme (CES).

Coastal bracken clearance to encourage heathland regeneration. Photo by Department of EnvironmentThe CES is an environmental improvement scheme which offers financial incentives to support and reward initiatives designed to look after Jersey’s countryside.

The scheme is designed to assist in the delivery of environmental projects that:

  • help maintain and improve the Island’s unique and internationally significant rural character, landscape, habitats, flora and fauna;
  • enhance, conserve and protect Jersey’s natural environment on a local scale;
  • implement Island-wide strategic environmental projects that will enhance biodiversity;
  • assist with the delivery of the Island’s commitments to International Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and local environmental objectives.

Who can apply for funding?

The scheme is open to anyone responsible for the management of land including:
• farmers
• growers
• land managers
• landowners
• businesses
• charities
• societies
• schools
• States departments

Please look at the Countryside Enhancement Funding website.

Tim Liddiard

Chough reports: July and August 2012

Reports from Liz Corry

JULY 2012

Captive breeding at DurrellChoughs in display aviary. Photo by Liz Corry

All of the choughs have started to moult: juveniles around the 11th whilst the breeding pairs started a few days later.

Captive breeding at Paradise Park

The sexes of the three chicks bred this year have been confirmed as 1 male and 2 female.


Captive breeding at Durrell

Chough at food bowl. Photo by Liz CorryAll the choughs are now being given their non-breeding/winter diet whereby the protein levels are reduced, i.e. the ox heart has been removed and less insects are given. In past years we have given mixed corn in winter as wild choughs are known to forage in cereal fields when insect numbers are low. However, the choughs in captivity at Paradise Park and at Durrell rarely touch the corn so it has been removed from the diet completely.

The breeding pairs have now finished for the season. Normally they would be integrated back into the display flock; however, due to the release planned for this autumn/winter we will keep the breeding birds separated from the potential release birds for now.

Display flock

Liz trains the choughs. Photo by Fiona MarchantThe low productivity of chough chicks this year means that the trial release cohort will consist of the three chicks hatched at Paradise Park this year and another three selected from the older juveniles in the display aviary at Durrell. In preparation for their release these birds will be trained to fly to target boards for food as this will help with the supplementary feeding once in the wild and allow the keepers to call the birds back if they need to be shut away in the release aviary.

Chough target board. Photo by Liz CorryTraining began at the end of July and looked promising at the start of August. The birds are accustomed to flying down for food, but they need to learn to respond to their cue for food. Working with a large group rather than training on an individual basis has proved challenging. We increased the number of target boards so that each bird has a chance of getting to food which in turn strengthens the learned behaviour. However, there are still a couple of individuals who hang back whilst the dominant birds fly down first and take all the food. We will continue with the training and looking at ways to improve the birds’ success.


All the juvenile choughs have somehow managed to lose an ID ring. Five have lost their metal rings and the sixth has lost its plastic ring. One metal ring has been recovered and it looks as if it has been prised open. All six birds can still be identified but new (and improved) rings will be added before any release.


Turtle dove: the UK’s most threatened farmland bird

News from the RSPBTurtle dove in St Ouen's Bay. Photo by Miranda Collett

Since Operation Turtle Dove was launched by the RSPB, Conservation Grade, Pensthorpe Conservation Trust and Natural England in May, the reporting hotline has had 429 calls reporting the elusive bird.

Norfolk came top as the county with the most reported turtle dove sightings (112), second was Suffolk (69), closely followed by Cambridgeshire (61), with Essex (32), Kent (29), and Lincolnshire (20) coming fourth, fifth and sixth. In Jersey we may have had only one breeding pair this year and it is unclear whether these were successful in rearing any young.

Alison Gardner from the RSPB’s Operation Turtle Dove, said: ‘It’s great that we’ve already had so many people supporting Operation Turtle Dove and looking out for these birds.

‘At this time of year, just before turtle doves Streptopelia turtur head off on migration, juveniles and family groups are easier to spot so we’re hoping for some more reports before the season’s out and are appealing to anyone who spots a turtle dove to call and give us as much information as possible.’

Turtle dove numbers have fallen dramatically since the 1970s with just nine birds now for every 100 there were 40 years ago. Once widespread across much of England and Wales, the species has been lost from many areas and are now primarily restricted to areas of East Anglia and southern England. Not so long ago, turtle doves were widespread in Jersey in summer but are now close to disappearing.

Reasons for the turtle dove’s population crash are not fully understood. However, since the 1960s the diet has changed from mainly the small seeds of wild plants to one dominated mainly by crop seeds, which are scarce early in the breeding season and may provide a poorer quality diet for turtle doves.

Simon Tonkin, the RSPB’s senior farmland advisor, said: ‘turtle doves feed almost exclusively on seeds. Many of the traditional wild foods are now scarce on farmland and it is uncertain whether crop seeds are providing an adequate substitute. Additionally, turtle doves prefer to nest in hedgerows or areas of scrub over 4m tall, habitats that are less common than in the past.’

Operation Turtle Dove’s hotline has also received a number of calls from people with large gardens, often backing onto agricultural land, who’ve spotted turtle doves taking food from their bird feeders and using the garden pond to drink from and bathe in.

RSPB researchers have also found nests in gardens and amenity areas bordering farmland, which may reflect a shortage of resources on agricultural land, meaning the birds are forced to find alternatives to survive.

Simon added: ‘This means farmers and householders in rural areas have a huge role to play in the conservation of this beautiful bird. While there are some great advocates out there doing all they can, it still needs more support.’

To report your turtle dove sightings, call the Operation Turtle Dove Hotline 01603 697527 or you can submit your sightings to Please also send in your records to the Jersey Bird Recorder at the Société Jersiaise or through Jerseybirds.

The RSPB has two advice sheets on how to help turtle doves, one for farmers and one for people with large gardens or outside spaces that back onto arable fields and are available free by emailing

The emergence and spread of finch trichomonosis in the British Isles

News from BTO

Finch trichomonosis, caused by the protozoal parasite Trichomonas gallinae, was first recognized as an emerging infectious disease of British passerines in 2005 and is detailed in a new paper published this week. The first year of seasonal epidemic mortality occurred in 2006 with significant declines of greenfinch Carduelis chloris and chaffinch Fringilla coelebs populations. In the newly published paper it is demonstrated that large-scale mortality, principally of greenfinch, continued in subsequent years, 2007–2009, with a shifting geographical distribution across the British Isles over time.

Greenfinch in winter. Photo by Mick DrydenConsequent to the emergence of finch trichomonosis, the breeding greenfinch population in Great Britain has declined from c. 4.3 million to c. 2.8 million birds and the maximum mean number of greenfinches (a proxy for flock size) visiting gardens has declined by 50 per cent. The annual rate of decline of the breeding greenfinch population within England has exceeded 7% since the initial epidemic. Although initially chaffinch populations were regionally diminished by the disease, this has not continued.

Retrospective analyses of disease surveillance data showed a rapid, widespread emergence of finch trichomonosis across Great Britain in 2005 and the paper’s authors  hypothesize that the disease emerged by T. gallinae jumping from columbiforms (Pigeons and Doves) to passeriforms (Songbirds). Further investigation is required to determine the continuing impact of finch trichomonosis and to develop our understanding of how protozoal diseases jump host species.