Paradise Park send over new recruits for the chough project

Saffron the golden eagle at Paradise Park. Photo by Liz Corry

Saffron the golden eagle at Paradise Park

By Liz Corry

Alas, whilst the sight of a golden eagle in Jersey’s skies would be amazing we are in fact referring to Paradise Park’s chough chicks hatched this year. Saffron, the golden eagle pictured here, is a long standing member of the ‘Eagles of Paradise’ free flying bird show. I don’t think staff would give her up that easily.

However, they did agree to send over six other chicks to help with the restoration efforts in Jersey.

Many of you who have followed our work closely know that Paradise Park, in Hayle, Cornwall, have provided Durrell with our three breeding pairs of choughs and several juveniles over the last five years. All of the choughs currently flying free at Sorel were captive bred at Paradise Park.

Whilst Durrell have been successful in rearing chicks this year there are only four. To increase our chances of success we need more candidates fo release. Paradise Park’s parent-reared chicks are perfect for the role. The lessons they learnt from their parents will hopefully be shared with Durrell’s chicks whilst the two groups are living in the release aviary up at Sorel.

At the end of July, Harriet Clark and myself travelled over to Paradise Park. We spent a day behind the scenes learning more about their captive-breeding programme including meeting the new chicks.

Sarah-Jayne demonstrating can recycling with a kea. Photo by Liz Corry

Sarah-Jayne demonstrating can recycling with the help of a kea. Photo by Liz Corry

We also managed to find time to watch the two free-flying bird shows. The skills the staff demonstrated in the shows have been put to use up at Sorel.

I visited the park in 2011 to learn about animal training for welfare and soft-release purposes. David Woolcock, curator of the Park, has been providing invaluable support to our project ever since.

Parrots and birds of prey are not the only birds participating in their shows. Oggie and Piran are two choughs who love to fly back and forth over the audience whilst staff talk to the public about the perils faced by wild choughs and how conservation efforts are managing to support the population. Jersey gets a mention too!

Oggie and Piran. Photo by Liz Corry

Oggie and Piran. Photo by Liz Corry

When Oggie and Piran aren’t flying around, they hang out in an aviary where they get to interact with the public. They love being preened (tickled to you and I) and actively walk up to the mesh to meet you. They then seem to go into a trance-like state of pure ecstasy.

If they don’t like it they simply walk away.

The breeding facilities are off show to the public as the choughs can be quite sensitive to disturbance during incubation. These aviaries have nest cameras to monitor the parents behaviour and keep a ‘big brother’ eye on the development of the chicks. Each year they broadcast live to their website so the public can also keep a watchful eye. Of course at this time of year the chicks have already fledged and the families moved out of seclusion into flocking aviaries.

Liz, Harriet, and Ray Hales in the flocking aviary. Photo by Alison Hales

Liz, Harriet, and Ray Hales in the flocking aviary. Photo by Alison Hales

Alison Hales, director of Paradise Park, kindly showed us around armed with a bucket and trowel. Why? Well chough chicks love eating ant larvae and eggs. In order to provide enough to feed all the chicks throughout the breeding season staff placed paving slabs around the park in grassy areas. When the temperatures start to rise in spring and summer the slabs heat up becoming attractive to ants. All staff have to do is flip over the slab and dig out what they need with a trowel before dispensing in the aviaries.

Alison Hales shows Harriet how they provide wild insects to the chough chicks. Photo by Liz Corry

Alison Hales shows Harriet how they provide wild insects to the chough chicks. Photo by Liz Corry

Ant eggs are nutritious and deliciou for choughs. Photo by Liz Corry.

Ant eggs are nutritious and delicious for choughs. Photo by Liz Corry.

It was quite a sight to see so many choughs in one aviary. And a little bit overwhelming to think we would see the same at Sorel in two days time!

Choughs bred at Paradise Park

Paradise Park’s chough chicks with their parents in the flocking aviary. Photo by Liz Corry

We had planned a visit to track down wild choughs and meet up with the RSPB before heading back to Jersey. You will be able to read about that experience in separate posting. For now, let us explain how we moved six birds 160 miles across land and sea without exerting a single flight feather.

Paradise Park staff caught up and crated the choughs in the morning. David Woolcock then drove them to Perranporth Airport north of Hayle. I say aiport….field is probably more appropriate.

Perranporth airport. Photo by Liz Corry

Perranporth Airport. Photo by Liz Corry

There we all waited patiently for the arrival of ‘Durrell Air’. Captain Colin Stevenson and trusty co-pilot Lee Durrell waved excitedly from the window of the Navajo as it taxied off the runway and came to a halt at gate…erm 1 (and only)?

Lee and Colin very kindly donated their time. Anyone who has dealt with animal transportation will apprecite the cost involved and how minimising stress for the animal is paramount. Our alternative of half a days drive to reach a tempremental ferry service facing another 3-9 hour journey would not be in the best interest of the choughs.

Colin and Lee at the helm. Photo by Liz Corry

Colin and Lee at the helm. Photo by Liz Corry

After a quick cuppa and stretch of the legs we loaded the crates into the cargo hold.


All ready to leave for Jersey. Photo by Alison Hales

Harriet and I found our seats in business class (also doubled up as cargo hold). Then we had to rearrange a few things so the pilots could squeeze through to the cockpits.

Harriet with the precious cargo. Photo by Liz Corry

Harriet with the precious cargo. Photo by Liz Corry

The birds themselves were relatively settled. Their crates had been secured in place and for the more nervous passenger they were covered over to create a darker, more peacefull environment.

Some just wanted to take in all the sites. Thankfully, fog patches aside, it was a very calm sunny day so the views were amazing and the flight smooth.


On landing we were met by Adam and Max who helped unload the crates into two vehicles. We drove them straight up to Sorel and completed the rest of the journey on foot.

Adam and Max transfer the crates for the next leg of the journey. Photo by Liz Corry

Adam and Max transfer the crates for the next leg of the journey. Photo by Liz Corry

On arrival we were met by the vet and vet student. The birds needed to have a general health examination before being released into the aviary. Blood samples were taken as standard import requirements and cloacal swabs taken for baterial checks. The chicks were uncrated one at a time because of this and then released into section 1A once they had the all clear from the vet.

Vet Alberto examines chicks before their release into the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry

Vet Alberto examines chicks before their release into the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry

The Durrell hand-reared chicks were very excited by the new arrivals and flew up to meet them. But on seeing the vet and a large syringe they headed back to the other end of the aviary. The two groups of chicks need to be kept separate for the first week whilst we establish if there are any diseases risks, but can then be kept as one group in the aviary to socialise.

As soon as the Paradise Park birds entered the aviary, quarantine restrictions had to be put in place. For a little over four weeks keepers donned latex gloves and blue shoe-protectors everytime they entered the aviary. All waste food and materials were treated as clinical waste (which will explain the sight of Durrell staff hauling a large yellow refuge sac over the cliff tops into their car boot, and driving off).

I am pleased to say quarantine restrictions have now been lifted. The ten chicks (now four months old) are living happily together and are being trained by keepers in preparation for their release.

8 out of 10 choughs. Photo by Liz Corry

8 out of 10 choughs. Photo by Liz Corry

Thanks to all the staff at Paradise Park and to Lee and Colin for their time and assistance. Also thanks to Amy Hall, Durrell’s Registrar, for directing me through the piles of paperwork required for imports/exports.

We look forward to an exciting new chapter and the promise of sixteen choughs flying free this year.

Dingle, Bean, Chickay and Caûvette take to the skies: the first soft-release of hand-reared chough chicks

Dingle Bean Chickay and CauvetteBy Liz Corry In July’s monthly report we revealed that Durrell’s hand-reared chicks had taken to the skies for the first time. A first for the birds and the project as no chough this young has been released into the wild for a re-introduction project before. Summing up what happened over the twelve days of releases into a couple of paragraphs doesn’t really do it justice. So, we thought we should show you in a bit more detail the antics of Dingle and the girls.

chicks on target boards

Chicks learning to land at target sites for food. Photo by Liz Corry.

In the days leading up to the first release the chicks were put through their paces. Making sure they knew where to go when they heard the whistle for food; flying lengths of the aviary at least three times a day; squat jumps and press ups morning and night…Ok not the last bit. In fact the physical aspect of their training would only really be achieved once they were out and being tested by the elements. Flight in the polytunnel has its limitations. What the chicks really needed to focus on was learning how the adults go about day to day living. Watching them respond to the keeper, their foraging techniques, reactions to predators and other potential threats. All behaviours key to survival. Again this does have its limitations when you are confined to an aviary. But with the adults regularly visiting the aviary they had plenty of opportunity to pick up the basics.

Adults landing at aviary. Notice the missing tail feathers due to their annual moult. Photo by Liz Corry.

Adults landing at aviary. Notice the missing tail feathers due to their annual moult. Photo by Liz Corry.

The problem we faced was that the chicks became so obsessed with the adults that when the adults were not at the aviary the chicks would just take naps in the roost boxes and not want to train with us. To add to our exasperation we wanted to release the chicks when the adults were not around, i.e. when they were in the quarry. We wanted the chicks to learn how to go in and out of the aviary at their own pace. More importantly, we didn’t want the adults around when it was time to shut the chicks in.

Chicks observing the adults eating mealworms at a training session. Photo by Liz Corry.

Chicks observing the adults eating mealworms at a training session. Photo by Liz Corry.

They would either create a distraction or end up getting locked in with the chicks. So on the day of the first release we waited for the adults to head to the quarry, opened the hatches, and waited. And waited… The chicks had disappeared into their favourite roost box just inches from the hatches. A change of tactic was clearly needed after twenty minutes of no activity. We called the chicks down for a meagre amount of insects at the other end of the aviary. The idea being they would emerge, become active and then see the hatches open and start exploring. This worked and it didn’t take too long for one of them to go outside. With baited breath we clung to every heartbeat wondering what would happen. How high would they fly? How far would they go? Who would they meet? We didn’t account for Dingle hopping down to the floor and taking a bath in the adult’s water tray! Obviously very content.

The chicks are joined by some of the adults at the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry.

Inevitably the adults returned to the aviary before we were ready to call the chicks back inside. The youngsters showed a lot more excitement than the adults whose single focus was food. That motivation kept everyone close to the aviary. The adults perched on the aviary looking on as the chicks would occasionally launch themselves from the netting and whizz around the aviary. When it came time to close the hatches the adults were inside on the whistle before the chicks. Likewise as we approached to close the hatches the adults were the first out. Knowing full well closure meant no evening playtime in the quarry, they were not willing to stay. The chicks on the other hand continued eating oblivious to what was occurring. The adults stayed nearby so when the whistle was blown to reward the group with their favourite treat they flew in and landed back on the aviary. Their calm obedience was a testament to how well they have adapted to the wild. It was definitely one of the most rewarding days for everyone on the chough team. The next day was pretty much the same. The only exception being the arrival of the peregrine family minutes after the hatches were opened. They had been a common feature of Sorel in the preceding days. The young peregrines saw the adult choughs as target practice. They would swoop down and chase the birds. Unlike the neighbouring crows and magpies, the choughs would always stick together flying in formation. I think this helped as no chough could be picked out as an easy target. The choughs could also play the ace card of returning to the aviary and fading into the background of the black shelves and netting. The chicks first ‘encounter’ in the wild with the peregrines involved them staring up from the external shelves observing the commotion above. After opening the hatches the chicks were still inside when I heard distant chough calls from behind the aviary. On the horizon the image of five dots very quickly formed into five choughs flying with determination towards the aviary. Scanning the skies for the sixth chough revealed two interweaving shapes approaching from inland, one a chough, the second definitely a peregrine. Through grit and determination (and a bit of cockiness when she retaliated) she made it back to the aviary unscathed along with the other five who had landed sometime before. The chicks by this point had already flown back inside into the farthest depths of the aviary. We locked them in half of the tunnel and allowed the adults in the other half for respite until the peregrine left. On another occasion two juvenile peregrines chased the group flying no more than 20ft above my head whilst sat by the open hatches. That event, as you can imagine was a blur at the time. And after! Even the frantic camera clicking pointing in hope at the sky didn’t do it justice.

Peregrine attack at release aviary. Photo by Liz Corry.

One of several peregrine attacks at the release aviary. The choughs took shelter in the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry.

It wasn’t always that easy to get the chicks back inside the aviary. Bean’s behaviour on the fifth night of releasing was a prime example. To be fair to her, the afternoon had been quite challenging. Minutes after the hatches had opened the choughs were being harassed by a peregrine so the chicks were locked back in until it left (I realise at some point there will be losses due to predation, but not at the aviary, not on my watch!). Then when they were allowed out again the wind picked up. For a species that nests in sea caves and lives near the cliffs a bit of wind should not be a problem. However, for a soft release, a cross wind or worse, one that propels them towards a small opening in a wooden frame, can be challenging if they haven’t mastered all the tricks of flight. It wasn’t just Bean having difficulties that day.

Bean sat on the netting trying to figure out how to get back inside. Photo by Liz Corry

Bean sat on the netting trying to figure out how to get back inside. Photo by Liz Corry

Then again my sympathies diminished after one of many failed attempts to coax her back inside. I had walked them down from the sheds to the hatches by talking nicely and waving insects in their faces. Hand-reared chicks are very compliant that way. When they saw the hatches they started to hop inside one by one heading for the food dishes. All except Bean who stumbled at the last hurdle. All she had to do was cross from one shelf to the other a few inches away. Max had even put up a perch that morning to bridge the gap. She stared at me, stared at the gap, then flew back to the other end of the aviary and sat above the other three chicks feeding below.

Staff wait patiently for Bean to make her way back inside the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry.

Staff wait patiently for Bean to make her way back inside the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry.

In this situation the protocol is to shut in the birds you can, lock them into one section, and hope they will act as a lure to encourage the straggler(s) in. There comes a point when the chough left outside no longer cares about food and just worries about where it will roost for the night. That’s when we have to set aside the training methods and just sit guarding them patiently until they find their way back. Bean herself seemed relatively calm. She spent time preening and sitting next to the other chicks (well just above them to be specific). She did explore the roof and fly back and forth trying to find a way in. She even sat in the external roost boxes once or twice. Never once did she go to the hatches. As the sun sank below the cliff tops she was visibly more agitated and starting darting away from the aviary calling to the others. She finally settled, not in the external roost boxes, but out on the netting just next to the roost box the chicks were sleeping in. We left her just before 10pm and I returned at 5.30am before the sun was up, to find her in exactly the same spot.

Bean warming up after a night out alone. Photo by Liz Corry

Bean warming up after a night out alone. Photo by Liz Corry

Much to my relief she was alive although very sleepy. To be fair the other three had not really woken up either. I was worried that the night out and stress of yesterday had taken its toll. Luckily all she needed was a soak in the sun. As it started to rise above the hill she moved to an external roost box and sat preening in the full sun. Soon she had made her own way back inside and by 6.38 am she was  reunited with the others. The soft release continued for a further four nights. The chicks spent their time outside foraging with the adults in amongst the sheep, exploring the cliff tops and playing on the air currents. They have certainly explored further than the adults ever did at this stage in the soft release process. It is a really positive sign for things yet to come.

Chicks and adults flying free. Photo by Liz Corry

Chicks and adults flying free. Photo by Liz Corry

We had to put the releases on hold whilst we went to collect six new birds from Paradise Park. After which point all the aviary birds would be in quarantine lockdown for thirty days minimum. You can imagine the tension then on the last night before our departure when we let the chicks out at 3pm. Stress levels, already above average,  peaked when the adults decided it was time to head back to the quarry and the chicks followed. In flight there was an obvious split between the two groups as the chicks lagged behind. From our view point we think they made it as far as the car park. From their position they would have been able to see the quarry. Whether it was the moving cars, the site of the quarry, or general lethargy the chicks changed their minds turned around and flew straight back to the aviary. I don’t think any of us could have predicted how well this round of soft releases has gone. Let’s hope the next phase with the parent-reared chicks will be just as successful.

Where have all the sheep gone? – Bracken control on the north coast

20140817_094111Recent visitors to Sorel and Devil’s Hole may have been puzzled by the disappearance of the resident sheep. Don’t worry they are still there. They have been moved into the field with the chough chicks and will be locked in there whilst bracken control measures are carried out.

20140817_085056Work commenced on the 11th August and will continue until 8th September. Control measures will include the use of herbicides on the land surrounding Mourier Valley. For this reason we are asking pet owners to keep their pets on a lead and keep to designated foot paths for their own safety during this time.


Herbicide treatment specific to fern species such as bracken targets the rhizome (underground roots) and accumulates in both active and dormant buds where it effects a lethal action. It frequently produces a very good reduction in fronds in the year after spraying, but does require multiple applications to be effective in the long term. To find out more about bracken and the control measures we use click here. For any questions regarding the current work being carried out around Mourier Valley please call 07797 740202.

From what we can see the sheep have not taken too badly to their confinement. The grass is getting shorter by the second and the birds are reaping the benefits.


Jersey launches birdwatching and photography code

Cetti's warbler. Photo by Mick DrydenWith the increasing appreciation of the Island’s birdlife come new responsibilities. Social media further shares immediate opportunities to broadcast sightings and other information on our birds. It has considered, therefore, appropriate to put together a guide with simple steps on how to enjoy birdwatching and bird photography in a way that’s safe for oneself, others and the birds and habitats we are so admiring

This new code has been inspired from similar guidelines produced by the BTO, RSPB, and other birding and bird conservation organizations in the world. It has been created through a series of consultations between by Birds On The Edge and members of the Ornithology Section of the Société Jersiaise.

So, please consider what is best for the birds at all times. But please, always enjoy  your birds! The new code can be downloaded here.

The States of Jersey Department of the Environment also have guidelines for visiting the Island’s SSI’s and these can be downloaded here.

Chough report: July 2014

Choughs at the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry

July was yet another action packed month in which the goal of re-establishing a sustainable wild chough population in Jersey moved another step closer to being a reality.

Winners announced for Insurance Corporation Conservation Awards Jersey 2014

Insurance Corporation Conservation Awards 2014The Durrell chough chicks entered their first competition this month. Not a beauty pageant, we are still working on their talent skills, but a conservation award to help fund their post-release monitoring.

Insurance Corporation of the Channel Islands holds an annual competition to recognize the efforts of local conservation projects and award prize money to fund continued work.

The chicks faced stiff competition from several amazing projects representing a range of local fauna and flora from bioluminescent marine worms to grass snakes and reed beds. Insurance Corporation Jersey manager and chair of the judging panel, Natasha Lucock, says that the quality of entries this year was higher than ever.

“It’s great to see so many people taking an interest in Jersey’s green spaces and making such huge efforts to preserve the life that can be found there.”

I am pleased to say that the chicks won the Peter Walpole’s People’s Choice Award, as voted for by fans of the Insurance Corporation Facebook page.

Winners receiving their awards

Winners of the Insurance Corporation Conservation Awards 2014. Photo (c) Insurance Corporation

“Over 450 people viewed and voted for their favorite videos of the various projects on our Facebook page and we were delighted to present Durrell with £500 as the people’s choice winners named in honour of our chairman and conservation awards founder, Peter Walpole,” added Natasha.

The money will buy radio transmitters for the chicks to monitor their movements post-release.

We should be able to locate any chick that roams out of sight. Combining their daily movements with geographical information databases we can say which habitat and local areas they prefer to forage in and roost and then feed this into future land management plans.

The Inspiration Award of £500 went to Robert Ward for his efforts in studying and conserving the local grass snake and slow-worm population. Robert is on Jersey conducting research for his PhD with DICE (Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology), which will be running until October 2016, seeks to determine the population of both species along with investigating their movements and habitat.

More information about the different projects and Insurance Corporation can be found on their Facebook page

Durrell chicks make preparations for take off

Caûvette and Dingle

Caûvette and Dingle. Photo by Liz Corry

Chickay, Bean, Caûvette, and Dingle were measured up and kitted out in preparation for their first flight outside of the aviary. The chicks had leg rings and tail mounted radio-transmitters fitted by the keepers. They were happily feeding and playing afterwards and don’t seem hampered in any way by the extra equipment.

Measurements of wing and tarsus lengths were recorded to add to an existing European database. Whilst not 100% accurate these measurements can be used to determine sex when DNA analysis is not available.

Their behavioural training has progressed well. They respond to the whistle and fly down to target boards to feed. At first Caûvette seemed to be apprehensive about flying through open hatches. The other three would glide through, but Caûvette seems to bail at the last-minute and fly up to the shelf above. For whatever reason, confidence or acquired skill, she has improved. All this made it look promising for the chicks’ first release.

Maiden voyage of Durrell’s hand-reared chicks

It was imperative to get the chicks flying out with the adults as soon as possible this month. At two months of age they are eager to learn and the adults are the perfect teachers. There was an added pressure of knowing that an import of new choughs on the 24th July would mean all birds inside the aviary would go on a thirty-day quarantine lock-down. If a release was delayed until September the chicks would be older and maybe more complacent.

First release of Durrell chicks

Durrell chicks stretching their wings for the first time outside of the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry

On the 8th July the Durrell chicks took their first venture into the wilds of Sorel. The hatches were opened late afternoon and the chicks were given 30 minutes of free time. It proved more successful than anyone could imagine. The chicks ventured outside although not very far. Sticking closely to the roof of the aviary they took several small circular flights. When the adults appeared from the direction of Sorel point the chicks became very animated, but still stayed close to the aviary. Mainly because the adults were doing the same thing.

chough chicks and adults flying

Flying with the adults above the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry

When it was time to call them back the adults were still at or even in the aviary. Instead of trying to scare them out we decided to use them as lures and the chicks would hopefully learn by example. The adults heard the whistle, spotted the keeper, and flew to the target boards inside the aviary for food. The chicks followed, although not instantly.

Knowing how the adults now react to hatches being closed by keepers, there was a good chance they would fly out or worse some would get shut in the aviary. The chicks being naive to such a thing might stay eating or fly out reacting to the panic of the adults.

What actually happened was that the adults all flew out as soon as the keeper approached from the front. The chicks remained eating whilst watching the adults leave. Hatches were locked and the chicks stayed safely inside for the night. The adults were unfazed by the whole affair as they returned straight away on the whistle for bonus insects.

Famous four flying over Mourier Valley

Max observing the four chicks as they fly around Mourier Valley. Photo by Liz Corry

Ten releases happened in total over two weeks in July. Free time ranged from 30 minutes to 5 hours and there was only one night when one chick stayed out on the roof all night. They avoided several aerial attacks from juvenile peregrines learning their own trade. They have now learnt to fly inside the aviary under shelter when the peregrines are around. The adult choughs were present each time and no doubt the chicks learnt what to do from the adults reactions. The adults have not been injured by the peregrine encounters despite physical contact and always seek the aviary for shelter. Fortunately for them these are young peregrine practicing to hunt. Things could be dramatically different when they no longer need to practice.

Peregrines in training at Sorel

Peregrines in training at Sorel. Photo by Liz Corry

If the challenge of predator encounters was not enough the Durrell chicks’ ‘playtime’ outside has led to an increase in syngamus and coccidia levels in their faeces. The symptoms are repetitive sneezing and wheezing. This is not unexpected as these naturally occur in the wild and the physical demands of first time wild flight will weaken birds making them more susceptible. All four chicks were immediately put on a course of baycox and ivomec due for completion the first week in August. Within days the chicks appeared healthier, but they still need to complete the course.

Changing of the guard

Student Pierre Rauscher

Ex-student Pierre Rauscher. Photo by Liz Corry

We sadly bid farewell to one of our students at the start of the month. Pierre’s three month placement on the project had come to an end.

Pierre’s first day was when we first started releasing the adults locked in overwinter. He saw the Durrell pairs lay eggs and was able to experience the highs and lows of chick rearing.

It only seemed fitting then for his last day to be the day we gave the chicks their first taste of life in the wild. Pierre enjoyed his time with the choughs and the Bird department, but has said he will not miss the wind up at Sorel! Having been blown backwards on the cliff path whilst tracking birds in May I can understand why he said that.

New student Max Benatar

Harriet Clark with new student Max Benatar. Photo by Liz Corry

The very next day we welcomed Max Benatar to the team. Max is a student at the University of Zeppelin, Germany. Thrown in at the deep end, Max was given a crash course in radio-tracking before manning his post on the cliffs for the second day of the chick release. Fortunately for him the birds behaved like a dream.

Our other student, Adam, has shown him the ropes when it comes to the behavioral observations and both have received training in basic husbandry skills at the aviary.

Now you see them now you don’t

The sheep at Sorel have been have been updating their summer wardrobe. Aaron and Sam have been busy shearing the flock which is very laborious as it involved herding sheep from both sides of the valley and the cliff faces.

Sheered sheep at Sorel

The sheep at Sorel with their summer coats. Photo by Liz Corry

They have been using the aviary field to hold and process who they can. Inevitably the odd one will evade capture so it took several days. When the sheep are in field the gates have to be locked to prevent accidental escapes. This might be confusing to the regular visitor, but hopefully they understand the need for the restriction.

The flock is now back out roaming between Sorel and Devil’s hole. Looking slightly darker than before (their top coat is beige, but underneath its brown). Of course with strong summer sun we are having the sheep are seeking refuge. So don’t be surprised if you hear bracken or a gorse bush bleating at you and not a sheep in sight!

Sorel aviary maintenance

Yet more DIY work was needed at the aviary this month. The joins in the plywood roofing panels which had been filled with all-weather sealant in the spring have once again become exposed. The intense heat beating down on the wood really tested the brand name’s claim and unfortunately it failed. So a new approach was taken and now the roof should now stop the chough’s food from getting wet….if Jersey ever escapes the drought.

The release wires continue to be replaced with tougher galvanized steel wire. We have been waiting on a delivery to the island since we bought out a certain chain store’s stock last month. A few more ‘training perches’ have been added to the outside of the aviary to help the chicks when they exit the aviary. It provides them with a few extra options to sit and catch their breath. Choughs don’t perch in trees and ground level exposes a bird to potential threats from mammal predators or mischievous dogs off leads.

We are now looking at ways to improve the release hatch design and efficiency of opening and locking. Although fitting anything at this stage might be hampered by having ten birds locked in the aviary.

Wildlife park chough update

Gianna on enrichment log

Gianna finding insects hidden in an enrichment log. Photo by Liz Corry

Funding has been found to replace the old netting on the display aviary and modify the buidling. Hopefully this will make the aviary more appealing for both the choughs and the visitors. In preparation for the work the two females housed in the aviary, Gianna and Issy, have been moved off-show.

Once the work is completed the breeding pairs and the two single females will be flocked together in the display aviary as they would do in the wild.

Sadly there have been no further sightings of Arthur. David Woolcock, the red-billed chough studbook holder, is looking at options for Durrell to acquire a new breeding male and return our holdings to three breeding pairs.

 Paradise Park’s chicks boost Jersey’s chough population by 50%

With the exception of our Italian female, all our choughs are from, or descendants of, Paradise Park’s captive population. Genetically these are North Welsh birds not Cornish just to confuse people. This year Paradise Park successfully parent-reared eight choughs and there was even a case of one female becoming a foster mum.

Choughs bred at Paradise Park

Chough chicks and parents in their flocking aviary at Paradise Park, Cornwall. Photo by Liz Corry

Ali and Ray explaining their flocking aviary setup

Ali and Ray explaining their flocking aviary setup. Photo by Liz Corry

Paradise Park very generously agreed to send six of the eight chicks to Jersey to take part in the release program. Having been parent-reared the hope is that they will pass on the skills they learned from their parents to the Durrell chicks.

In return the Durrell chicks will guide them through the behavioural training, hopefully tell them the keepers are trustworthy people, and generally ease the transition phase from captive to released birds.

The chicks were caught up and put into crates by Paradise Park staff Olly Frost and David Woolcock. They were then driven to Perranporth airport to meet Lee Durrell and Colin Stevenson. Lee had very kindly offered to fly them back to Jersey on her plane with Colin piloting. A potential eight hour van journey via a ferry was swiftly cut down to 55 minutes with the choughs arriving in Jersey by lunchtime on the 24th July.

Flying into land at Jersey

Flying into land at Jersey. Photo by Liz Corry

They were driven in convoy up to the aviary at Sorel by Colin and students Adam and Max. There they were met by Durrell’s vet team to examine them and take blood samples for health screening. The Durrell chicks were very excited to hear the first ‘foreign’ chough call. However the presence of six people, one holding a syringe, quickly dampened their excitement. The free-flying adults outside did not appear bothered by the new arrivals they simply wanted their afternoon feed before returning to the fields.

The new arrivals had to spend a week isolated in section 1A of the aviary whilst awaiting the results of the blood tests. If clear they can be mixed with the other four in section 2. All choughs inside the aviary are under quarantine conditions as soon as the first Paradise Park chick left its crate. As such they must remain locked inside until given the all clear.

This seemed to prove frustrating to the Durrell chicks at first. Having recently been given the opportunity to fly free for several hours they seemed annoyed and confused as to why they were being separated from the adults. The new arrivals also took a keen interest in the adults. For the first few days the new chicks would hide in the shelter boxes but leap out whenever they heard the calls of the adults arriving at the aviary.

View from inside keeper porch

View from inside keeper porch. Photo by Liz Corry

Interestingly there was not much interaction between the two groups of chicks. This can only be taken as a good thing as the two groups feed next to each other without any fighting or bullying.

The two groups are due to mix next month. Max and Adam will continue with behavioral observations to assess how well the groups integrate and results will be published in next month’s report.

A wild Cornish chough chick

A wild Cornish chough. Photo by Liz Corry

Liz Corry and Harriet Clark traveled to Cornwall three days before the import. A day was spent behind the scenes at Paradise Park kindly shown around by Alison and Ray Hales.Followed by a 36 hour chough hunt to see wild choughs and learn how the RSPB are working to protect this species and their habitat.

Claire Mucklow, RSPB Cornwall chough project manager, and Nicola Shanks, chough project officer, generously gave up their morning to chauffer Durrell staff across fields and cliff tops. Fourteen choughs were counted at one roost site, accounting for almost half of the Cornish population.

A report on the trip to Cornwall including a guided tour by the RSPB of wild Cornish chough habitat will feature on this website very soon! For more news about the wild choughs in Cornwall click here.

Family of Cornish choughs

Family of Cornish choughs. Photo by Liz Corry

Why does one of the world’s rarest birds spend so much of its time in the Channel Islands?

Balearic shearwater (2). Photo by Regis Perdriat

Today, 197 of the world’s rarest birds are considered to be Critically Endangered (species facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild). In the Channel Islands we often hear a lot about these birds as several are the subject of conservation programmes run from Jersey’s Durrell; however, much less well known is that one of these extremely threatened species choses to spend a very important part of its year in the waters around our islands.

Only an estimated 9,000-13,000 adult Balearic shearwaters exist. This seabird breeds only in the Mediterranean’s Balearic Islands of Mallorca, Cabrera, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. It is then, rather surprising, perhaps, that, traditionally, after the breeding season, between late May and the end of July, the majority of the global population passed through the Strait of Gibraltar and into the Atlantic, dispersing northwards to post-breeding grounds in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian coast, where they undergo their annual flight-feather moult

During some years, warmer than usual sea surface temperatures led to a northward shift, presumably following their fish prey. Birds were seen along the UK’s coastline and often in good numbers in the Channel Islands. Most individuals return to the Mediterranean in the autumn, with return passage beginning in September and peaking in October-November, although late individuals are still recorded passing Gibraltar between December and April.

In Jersey we typically saw a handful of Balearics during the year except in rare, exceptional years like 1985 when 603 were recorded. That was until recently. In 2009, 320 were recorded during the year and numbers have been steadily increasing since then: there were 845 in 2011, 3,181 in 2012 and 3,556 last year. This year, so far there have been “thousands” in our waters although they’ve been forming mixed flocks with non-breeding Manx shearwaters, northern birds that may have not been in good condition following the spring storms.

Balearic shearwater 1991-2013

Big Balearic shearwaters flocks are being recorded from Guernsey too and birds are being encountered at sea throughout our area. What does this mean for the shearwater? Well, we may now be responsible the greater part of the population of a very rare bird for a significant part of its year. Each year, now. Our record, unfortunately, isn’t that good for the common species!  Let’s make sure we look after the Balearic shearwater as the whole world may now be watching us!

You can download the International Species Action Plan for the Balearic shearwater and other action plans for European bird species here

Balearic shearwater. Photo by Regis Perdriat


Status and conservation of grass snakes and slow-worms in Jersey

Grass snake in Jersey. Photo by Rob WardBy Rob Ward

Rob Ward (24)

Slow-worm. Photo by Rob Ward

The grass snake is rare in Jersey, and has a restricted distribution particularly within the west and south-west of the island. This project aims to determine the status of Jersey’s populations, identify causes of decline, and provide information for conservation action and species recovery.


  • Determine the distribution and population size of grass snakes and slow-worms across the island
  • Investigate movements, range size and habitat use of both species, and undertake modelling
  • Examine predator / prey relationships of grass snake populations
  • Conduct genetic analysis of the grass snake populations
  • Provide recommendations for species conservation and recovery
  • Engage and educate the public in grass snake conservation in Jersey.


A juvenile grass snake captured during surveys. Photo by Rob Ward

A juvenile grass snake captured during surveys. Photo by Rob Ward

The grass snake (Natrix natrix) is a harmless non-venomous snake, and is the only snake species native to Jersey. Although relatively common in mainland Britain and Europe, in Jersey it is rare, and seemingly declining. Little research has previously been conducted on Jersey’s grass snake population, and so our knowledge of its ecology, conservation status, and relationships with other Island species is relatively lacking. Historic information regarding the distribution of this species is found in Frances Le Sueur’s A Natural History of Jersey (1976), which suggested that grass snakes were most numerous in the north-west and south-west of the Island, but also stated that they occurred throughout the Island in low numbers. More recent studies confirm grass snakes to have a stronghold in the west and south-west of the Island, with a further population in the south-east. However, no grass snakes have been seen in the north-west (Les Landes) since a juvenile at Grosnez pond in 1992. With such a lack of information, it is clear that much work still remains before a true picture of the grass snake’s ecology and population size in Jersey can be determined.

What is being done?

In order to deal with this paucity of information, a research project was developed between the States of Jersey Department of the Environment, the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University of Kent, and Amphibian Research and Conservation (ARC), resulting in a PhD position. Research being carried out by Rob Ward, a student at the University of Kent, consists of four key activities:

1)      Determining distribution and population size

Green lizard basking on one of the survey materials. Photo by Rob Ward

Green lizard basking on one of the survey materials. Photo by Rob Ward

Since March of this year, surveys have been taking place at multiple sites, particularly in the west and south-west of the island, in order to collect data on the Island’s slow-worm and grass snake populations. These surveys involve checking artificial materials that have been laid out to attract reptiles through the warmth and shelter they provide.

During the surveys, a number of environmental variables are recorded, as well as morphological data on each of the grass snakes and slow-worms found. These sightings are then plotted on a map, which can be used to study habitat use of the species.

In addition to the surveys conducted by Rob and his volunteers, a publicity campaign, “Think Grass Snake” was launched on the 22nd June 2014 to encourage the public to send in their sightings of grass snakes and slow-worms. A dedicated ‘Spotline‘ is in place to receive phone calls on 441628, as well as a website at www.ThinkGrassSnake.Je, and presence on social media. The campaign also aims to educate the public about the two species, and raise awareness of their decline.

Think grass snake

2)      Investigating movements, range size and habitat use

A radio tag fitted to the tail of an adult grass snake. Photo by Rob Ward

A radio tag fitted to the tail of an adult grass snake. Photo by Rob Ward

Understanding the movements and habitat preferences of a species is an important factor for their conservation to ensure the right areas are protected and managed correctly. Grass snakes are known to move large distances, and so it is particularly important to know which habitat types they use during different times of the year and at different life stages, as well as the location of key habitat features such as feeding ponds, nesting sites, and hibernation sites. During this project, each captured snake and slow-worm has a number of pictures taken of its individual patterns. For grass snakes, this is the belly pattern, and so it is possible to tell when an individual is recaptured, and thus how far it has moved between captures.

Another way of studying the movement of grass snakes is to use radiotracking. Adult snakes are fitted with a small radio tag on their tail, and located two to three times per day until the tag falls off (normally when they shed their skin). This gives much more detailed information on the size of the areas they need to live in, the habitats they prefer, and their behaviour.

An adult female grass snake with a radio tag fitted to its tail. Photo by Rob Ward

3)      Examining predator and prey relationships

A good example of a garden pond known to be used by toads and newts for breeding, providing an excellent source of food for grass snakes. Photo by Rob Ward

Garden pond used by toads and newts, an excellent source of food for grass snakes. Photo by Rob Ward

Grass snakes primarily feed on amphibians and fish; however, in Jersey many of the amphibian species have undergone declines, especially the Agile frog. These declines in prey could be one of the reasons that the grass snake has declined, and so it is important to understand what the remaining grass snakes in Jersey are eating.

The project utilises two main methods of studying the diet of Jersey’s grass snakes. The first of which is to encourage captured snakes to regurgitate any recent meals. When this is successful, it gives an immediate insight in to the diet of the captured snake, and the prey item(s) can then be manipulated back in to the digestive tract of the snake so that the prey item is not lost.
The second method involves collection of faecal samples from captured snakes, from which DNA will be extracted to identify the species consumed.


Tadpoles and small agile frogs are regularly eaten by grass snakes. An adult toad too would make suitable prey for an adult grass snake. Photos by Rob Ward

4) Genetic analysis of the grass snake population

The unique belly pattern of a juvenile grass snake captured during surveys, with a ruler showing its size. Photo by Rob Ward

The unique belly pattern of a juvenile grass snake captured during surveys, with a ruler showing its size. Photo by Rob Ward

When populations become isolated for long periods of time, and especially when a population is of a small size, the genetic quality of the population can begin to deteriorate. In Jersey, grass snakes are at risk for both these reasons, and could be suffering from the founder effect, poor gene flow, and resulting inbreeding due to fragmentation. To determine if these problems are occurring, DNA samples are collected from captured grass snakes, shed skins, and dead individuals. These can then be used to investigate how individuals are related to one another, and give an insight in to any requirements for human intervention. Furthermore, the DNA can be compared to samples from grass snake populations elsewhere in Europe to see which are most closely related to those here in Jersey. This information is useful should there be a need for reintroduction, genetic restoration, or captive breeding of snakes to ensure the population’s survival.

Habitat management

A possible cause of snake decline is the loss of particular habitat features including feeding ponds, compost and manure heaps for egg-laying, and hibernation sites. Fragmentation may also be a factor as snakes are at risk whilst crossing boundaries such as roads, as well as having to travel further and using more energy when man-made obstacles may be in their way. We can, therefore, improve habitats for grass snakes by providing some of these features. Compost heaps in particular are of low cost, are easy to construct and maintain, and can be built in private gardens and allotments as well as public areas and reserves. In areas with large quantities of grass clippings such as on golf courses, the materials can be piled up to provide suitable nesting habitats for grass snakes as well as a home for a variety of other wildlife. As grass snakes nest around June, and eggs do not normally hatch until the September or occasionally even October, not disturbing potential nesting sites during these periods is important.

Capture 2

A pile of grass clippings (left) or a domestic compost heap could provide an important nest site for grass snakes. Photos by Rob Ward

Keep up to date with the Think Grass Snake campaign and Rob’s research by keeping an eye on the website blog and on social media:

Spotline (if you see a grass snake) – 01534 441628

Raptor Day – Sunday 10th August

RaptorDayBy Cris Sellarés

Birds On The Edge is pleased to invite you to RAPTOR DAY, a celebration of Jersey’s raptor diversity and these birds’ beauty and ecological role in our natural communities.

On Sunday 10th August we are carrying out a variety of events, in partnership with Hen Harrier Day, celebrated across the UK to highlight the plight of this highly threatened species.

10.30 – 12.00 Summer 2014 RaptorWatch: The annual co-ordinated census will be carried out by a team of volunteers stationed at various observation points across the Island. You are welcome to join us for RaptorWatch at the Wetland Centre by St Ouen’s pond or at Noirmont.

Marsh harrier 3. Photo by Mick Dryden

12.00 – 12.15 RaptorWatch results and recap. Location: Wetland Centre main area.

12.15 – 12.40 Celebration of Hen Harrier Day. A short talk highlighting the issues that endanger the hen harrier and the activities taking place across the UK to raise awareness. Location: Wetland Centre classroom.

12.40 – 13.00 Marsh harrier research in Jersey. A short talk about the colour-ringing project and the ecology of our present population. Location: Wetland Centre classroom.

13.00 Raffle of a very special item of original artwork. Details to follow soon.

More information on Hen Harrier Day here

Would you like to help with the 2014 Jersey Small Mammal Survey?

Jersey bank vole. Photo by Denise McGowanThe Natural Environment Team at the Department of the Environment is looking for volunteer help with the 2014 Jersey Small Mammal Survey.

Work involved

Trap set. Photo by Denise McGowan

The work involves humanely trapping and handling Jersey’s small mammals; the Jersey bank vole, the wood mouse, the lesser white-toothed shrew and Millet’s shrew. Animals are identified, weighed, sexed and given a fur clip. This helps to identify them if they are caught again. There are 22 sites island-wide. Most sites are visited three times a day. The traps are checked and re-baited in the morning with mincemeat and oats and checked again twice more during the day. Assistance with setting and collecting traps (49 traps per site) is also required. Two sites are visited each day (sometimes three sites) by each person. There is a small amount of travel in between sites.


Lesser white-toothed shrew. Photo by Tim Ransom

Lesser white-toothed shrew. Photo by Tim Ransom

Autumn trapping will begin on the 8th September and will continue for 10 weeks. The work should end in the middle of November.  Volunteer help is required for weekdays and will most likely be required for the morning routine. This begins around 7.30am until approximately 10am (depending on how many animals are caught). The traps are then checked at midday and in the evening. Times can vary depending on dawn and dusk times.  Volunteer help would be greatly appreciated for the morning routines as mornings are the busiest times and anything else could be worked into a rota.

Millet's shrew in Jersey (2). Photo by Gregory Guida

Millet’s shrew in Jersey. Photo by Gregory Guida

Required from volunteers

Commitment – free time in the morning preferably, afternoon and evening if possible.

Own transport.

Good water proof clothing and suitable footwear (wellies or boots). Gloves and all other equipment will be provided.

Physically fit and prepared to work in all types of weather.

On offer

Training in handing small mammals will be provided prior to September trapping.

Petrol allowance will be provided for use of own vehicle.

Wood mouse

Wood mouse

Benefits from being involved

Experience in outdoor conservation work.

Experience with using Longworth traps and handling small mammals in Jersey

Helping to conserve Jersey’s small mammal population.

If you are interested or have any questions please contact the Natural Environment team by emailing Denise McGowan at If you would like to chat about the work you can call Denise on 07797 810987

Chough report: June 2014. Part 2

Chicks independently feeding. Any attempt to pass them food without the glove scared them away. Photo by Liz CorryBy Liz Corry


It wasn’t long before the chicks started to launch themselves at the keeper begging for food when the nest-box door was opened. The first to leave the nest box was Chickay closely followed by Bean. Eagerly following the puppet and blindly knocking over anything in their path to get to the food: in most cases this meant pots of insects carefully weighed out for each chick.

Being the smallest, Caûvette would often get pushed to the bottom of the begging pile, but once out of the nest she would stand her ground. She then developed a habit of eating a few mouthfuls then getting distracted and exploring the nooks and crannies surrounding the nest area. We took this inquisitive nature to be a good sign for her development. Watching her grow up, we might now be inclined to attribute it to her ‘ditsy’ nature instead. It will be interesting to see how this translates when she is released.

Dingle was the last to leave the nest. Photo by Liz Corry

Dingle was the last to leave the nest. Photo by Liz Corry

The youngest of the chicks, Dingle, was the last to leave the nest box. This was several days after Caûvette had left. Although it should be noted that after every feed and brief exploratory session the chicks would jump back into the box and have a ‘nap’ until the next feed. So he was never really left alone. When he did leave he quickly turned from being apprehensive to boisterous and more agile at moving around the enclosure than the other three.

Durrell’s Maintenance volunteers built a wooden ‘staircase’ complete with handrail so Harriet and Liz could safely access the nest-box when feeding chicks. The idea behind this design rather than just using a step-ladder was to avoid disturbance setting up a ladder each time, especially when the chicks were mobile. Plus, when they started learning to jump and fly around, the wide wooden steps became great additional perching points. In the last two weeks of June the chicks were so mobile that they were given access to the second shed section of the aviary. This meant the adults had fewer roosting areas to choose from. Soon the chicks had access to the entire aviary, whistle training began, and the adults had to be locked out.

Wooden staircase built so keepers could safely access nest. Photo by Liz Corry

Wooden staircase built so keepers could safely access nest. Photo by Liz Corry


Whilst secure in the aviary, the youngsters have learnt some of the basic flying and landing skills. At the start this meant landing on the closest solid object they could see…the keeper’s head! Whilst endearing, this had to be discouraged as it is not a behaviour we wish them to have around members of the public. This led to a lot of ducking and diving and a new game of keeper dodge-ball was created. The chicks’ behaviour changed within a few days and feeding times became a calmer affair (although it is all relative).

The chicks were gradually weaned off hand-feeds with insects just presented to them in dishes and the mouse diet swapped for the adult egg diet. Once this was established keepers’ started blowing the whistle as the food was presented at various target sites within the aviary. Within 24 hours the chicks had learnt to associate the whistle with food.

The chicks grew up quickly learning how to feed for themselves and weigh-in! Photos by Liz Corry

The chicks grew up quickly learning how to feed for themselves and weigh-in! Photos by Liz Corry

Once they are reasonably competent they will be given the opportunity to leave the aviary if they wish. The birds need to be trained in the same way as the adults, to respond to a call for food so we have some control over them.  Being hand-reared this should be easy. Within a day they learnt that the whistle meant food was around.

Flying back and forth between target sites was a little trickier to pick up. Only because, whenever the adults appeared outside the aviary the chicks wanted to be with them. If the adults went to the ground feeding, the chicks would go to the ground. If the adults rested on the poly-tunnel frame the chicks would perch on the highest shelf possible. Being whistle-trained themselves, the adults reappear whenever they hear the chicks being trained so you can imagine how often the chicks’ training is interrupted. We are now working on training the chicks to a different cue whilst in the aviary and then switching back once they are released.

Chicks and adults feeding trained to feed on target boards and scales. Photo by Liz Corry


Before being released it is important to work out how the other choughs react to new arrivals. If they are accepted by the already released choughs then it will be easier for the chicks to learn from the adults. However, some of the older birds may be hostile and territorial and management issues will arise.

For the first few days of the chicks being in the aviary the group was under constant surveillance. A camera was on the nest area for night time monitoring and keepers or students were taking shifts during the day keeping watch. A study was implemented to record behavioural observations looking at adult interactions with chicks. This will continue until the chicks are released providing valuable information for modelling future release management.

As previously mentioned, the adults took a great interest but none of it was aggressive. If there was any it was more likely directed at the keepers in jealousy of the chicks being fed and not them. The adult females would take an interest in the chicks. On one occasion a female was seen carrying insects in her bill towards the chicks. The mesh between them prevented any feeding if that was indeed her intention.

Once the chicks had access beyond the shed sections they would fly to be as close as possible to the adults when they returned to the aviary. In the absence of the adults they tended to go into the roost-box recently built by Adam and Harriet. The chicks knew without anyone showing them that they had to probe for insects. Whether this was between the timber frame looking for woodlice or in the soil, it was obviously innate behaviour. The presence of the adults at feed times has helped them develop this skill. They watched them and copied their behaviours.

Chicks will copy the behaviours of the adults. Notice the chicks don’t have their red bills at this age. Photo by Liz Corry

One behaviour they knew already was bathing. As soon as a water-tray was added Caûvette jumped (or stumbled, take your pick) into it and started flicking water in the face of the keeper. Not intentionally. It did take several attempts before she mastered the art of balancing and bathing, but don’t we all!

Caûvette taking a bath. Photo by Liz Corry

Caûvette taking a bath. Photo by Liz Corry

The free-flying group

There were a lot of firsts for the adults at Sorel as well as for the chicks. The adults adapted very well to the new residents. When they were locked out of the aviary for the first time they took up roosting in the quarry. This has continued and seems to be a good compromise. They spend their days away from the quarry flying between field and aviary finding food. Occasionally if it got too hot they would return to the quarry buildings presumably because the buildings were shaded and cooler. They also preferred that option during this year’s Round-the-Island-Walk when 200 plus sheep had congregated on the same patch of headland. Who can blame them?

Whilst they choose to roost communally and on the whole feed together there are definite divides within the group. The young male, White, and female Black will often ditch the group to make trips back to the aviary. Red who is no longer partnered up can be seen with them or by herself entirely. It appears that the romance between Green and Mauve has faded. Now the breeding season for them is finished he, Green, has been seen with Blue who has been preening him in front of Mauve. These three are often seen perching or standing together during the day.

Chough at Sorel. June 2014. Photo by Pierre Rauscher (4)

The adults started to use the cliff face adjacent to the aviary for the first time. Again this might be because it was slightly cooler than sitting exposed on top of an aviary. Following their movements became slightly harder once all the adults had moulted their radio transmitters. Three transmitters were recovered in the aviary; the other three could not be located. We suspect at least one was lost in the quarry. The batteries by this stage had become very weak making it difficult to pick up a signal at distance beyond 50metres. On one occasion, with no visual and only a faint signal, we had to assume the chough was fine and roosting in the quarry buildings from the echo of what sounded like a chough in a tin can!

We will not replace the transmitters on all of these adult birds. They have established themselves reasonably well in the wild and continue to use the aviary on a daily basis so we can monitor their health close up. As the 2015 breeding season approaches we may look into reattaching to the male, Green, to follow his movement as he, hopefully, attempts to set up a breeding territory.

Until then the adults will be kept busy teaching the chicks all they know about life at Sorel. Of course we all know the best lessons are the practical ones, which for our chough chicks means venturing beyond the safety of the aviary.

Health screening and diet analysis

Faecal samples continue to be collected to monitor parasite loads in the chicks and adults pre- and post-release. We are continuing to collect faecal samples for diet analysis although we have not yet braved sifting through them trying to ID insect remains. Both these projects will continue for the lifetime of the project. Any results will be published on the Birds On The Edge website.

29th June 2014. Photo by Liz Corry