Chough report: July 2015

Jersey’s first wild chough chick in one hundred years made its maiden flight out of the nest on 2nd July. Well at least we assume that is how it made it up to the top of one of the tallest buildings in the quarry. It was a long time before we actually witnessed a ‘flight’ and even then it was best described as a choreographed fall. Or was it pushed?

Dusty with parents on the first day away from the nest building. Photo by Liz Corry.

Chough chicks spend a while walking and jumping around the nest site learning all the basics before actually taking flight. Dusty, named by Ronez quarry staff, did exactly that only in this case Dusty left the busy quarry building his parents had nested in and chose the very tall ‘climbing frame’ next door to play around on.

Dusty’s parents, Green and Blue, stayed very close to their chick for the first few days. The video below shows them training Dusty.

They would fly up and perch next to Dusty then take a short flight around the building and back trying to encourage the chick to do the same. Time after time they tried but Dusty was having none of it, which is why we are a tad suspicious of that first ‘flight’.

Parents feeding their wild born chick in the quarry. Photo by Liz Corry.

Dusty did make a few flights around the top of the building over the next few days, but didn’t have much need to go elsewhere. Why would you when your parents are bringing you food and you have one of the safest play areas a chough could want?

Green and Blue adopted a different approach to encouraging Dusty away from the buildings. Starvation.

I’m not suggesting this is an appropriate, or legal, parenting technique, but in the case of a chough it worked.

Not quite as extreme as it sounds. It simply meant the parents were spending less time with Dusty and more time foraging with the flock. They would still return with food for Dusty from either the aviary or the grazed cliff tops, just not as often. Instead of short demonstration flights around the buildings they would fly across the bay to Sorel Point.

Exactly a week after leaving the nest site, Dusty ‘s hunger to be with mum and dad (in both senses of the word) overcame its insecurities and the first flight to Sorel Point was made. Then they kept flying! All the way around to the grazed fields by the aviary to join the other thirteen choughs.

Dusty and parents coming into land at Sorel. Photo by Liz Corry.

It wasn’t long before Dusty went to the aviary. At each supplementary feed when we called the birds to the aviary Dusty would be following eagerly begging for food of mum and dad. However, it took a long time for Dusty to pluck up the courage to actually go in the aviary. Initially it might be fair to say the optical illusion of the netting might have confused the youngster.

Dusty on the outside of the aviary begging to parents inside. Photo by Liz Corry.

Very quickly it was apparent that Dusty was wary about going inside. This was actually really encouraging to observe as it meant the chick wasn’t naïve. Having been raised by captive-bred parents in relatively close proximity to people you might think that this chick would be a little too comfortable around potential threats.

Dusty will now go in the aviary visiting the food dishes on the target boards and has even landed on the weighing scales.

Mum and Dad are still feeding on demand although you can see them trying to encourage Dusty to become more independent.

The general method being deny and ignore. It doesn’t always work and we have witnessed a few scuffles between Dad and chick.

P1610093Update from the free-living flock

The other choughs have accepted Dusty into the flock. There has not been any change in behaviour due to an additional member. Even one as noisy as Dusty.

P1600582P1600897They have started exploring new ground at Sorel looking for insects. The grazed headland is quite hard and compact at this time of year as the sun bakes the soil. The insect larvae available in the soil will be quite hard to get to. The grassy slopes leading down to the sea have looser soils and appear to be more inviting for the choughs right now.

They are still going through their moult, as shown by the chough in the flight in the photo below. They look a bit scruffy, but it isn’t stopping them from putting on their famous acrobatic flights of fancy or maneuvering away from an incoming peregrine. The latter has happened on several occasions this month as the young peregrines are out and about learning their trade.

New arrivals seeking Jersey residency

There has been one change at Sorel which effected the free-living choughs more than Dusty‘s arrival and that was the import of eight parent-reared chicks from Paradise Park. The team at the wildlife sanctuary in Cornwall have had another successful breeding season. They kindly agreed to loan Durrell eight of the eleven chicks that had successfully fledged this year (fully expecting not to see them again unless on holiday in Jersey!). Even better news was finding out that the DNA sexing results show we have four males in the group helping to address the balance out at Sorel.

Three of the parent-reared chicks with their parents at Paradise Park, Cornwall. Photo by Alison Hales.

Three of the parent-reared chicks with their parents at Paradise Park, Cornwall. Photo by Alison Hales.

Once again Lee Durrell and Colin Stephenson eagerly stepped up to offer to fly over and bring back the lucky eight. On the 16th July the three-month old chicks were caught up, crated, and driven to Perranporth airport by Ray Hales and curator David Woolcock. We made it through the very localised Cornish fog and cross winds to land around 1pm. After a brief refuelling of a bacon roll, cup of tea, and a catch up with friends, we loaded the choughs onto the plane and taxied off for our return to Jersey. An hour later we had landed and met by Dennis Moseley, Head of Operations, in the Durrell van to take the choughs on their last leg of the journey to Sorel.

Pilots Lee Durrell and Colin Stephenson alongside Liz Corry at Perranporth airfield. Photo by Ray Hales.

Pilots Lee Durrell and Colin Stephenson alongside Liz Corry at Perranporth airfield to collect the chough chicks. Photo by Ray Hales.

Once at Sorel their ordeal wasn’t over as they then had to go through their vet checks which included blood and faecal samples. The quarantine process began as soon as they entered the aviary and lasts for 30 days providing they all pass their tests. Feacal samples are submitted every seven days and tested at Durrell’s laboratory.

For the first week they were kept in section 1A separated from our hand-reared chick to allow them to settle in. We then gave them access in with our chick so they could socialise together.

Initially the parent-reared chicks were very scared as you can imagine. They quickly learnt to associate the arrival of the free-living group at the aviary with food provided by staff. We don’t know yet if they are responding to the whistle as the logistics of training the group and feeding the other sixteen at the same time is very challenging.

Throughout this the free-living choughs could still enter the aviary poly tunnel, but locked out of the shed sections (1A and 1B). This meant that the eight juveniles who normally roost in section 1 were forced to find alternative roost spots. Once the 2015 chicks have access to the entire aviary the free-living group will not be able to go inside the aviary until we start releases.

Sunset at Sorel. Photo by Liz Corry.

Sunset at Sorel. Photo by Liz Corry.

A roost check from 19:30 until 21:00 (sunset at 20:50) confirmed that the juveniles were still sleeping at the aviary, but using the external roost boxes next to the parent-reared chicks.

It also highlighted what happens when people get too close to the aviary at the wrong time of day. The birds had already gone to roost by 19:50, spending the rest of the daylight hour to preen and tidy up. A couple approached the field gate and started to open it. This sent the birds out of their roost boxes and off to the other end of the aviary where they watched the couple closely. As the visitors got closer the choughs flight or fight response kicked in and the flew….off to the cliffs out of sight. The birds locked in the aviary started to panic flying around in a confined space.

The couple clearly meant no harm and they have every right to be in the field as there is public access. Once they left the field the birds inside calmed down and half an hour later the juveniles returned.

Whilst very frustrated that my working day had just been extended I do have to thank the mystery couple. If I had not have gone looking for the juveniles on the cliff I would not have seen the small pod of dolphins swimming across the bay!

P1610281Update on our hand-reared chick

The hand-reared chick in the release aviary. Photo by Liz Corry.

Last month we reported on how we moved our hand-reared chick up to the release aviary whilst still a nesting so she can fledge in the aviary and learn from the other choughs.

She had a rocky start overwhelmed by her new surroundings and the very loud gang of choughs that would descend en mass at least twice a day on the aviary. She didn’t have any other clutch mates to look to for support and became very dependent on myself and Harriet hand-feeding her.

She fledged at the start of July and started learning to feed for herself. We began weaning her off the hand-rearing diet and teaching her to fly to the target areas for food.

P1590795However we quickly started to realise we had a problem. She learnt to fly…on to our shoulders. Last year’s hand-reared chicks started doing this at a similar age. We never encouraged it, didn’t reward them with food, and in the nicest possible way shood them off. They quickly stopped and have not attempted it ever since. They have now attained a nice balance of being comfortable around staff for feeding and management purposes but at a safe distance from any ‘predation’ threat.

P1590977This chick has a unique ability to cling to your like some sort of gecko and no matter how hard you try will not leave you. She has imprinted on staff associating them with food and companionship. When the parent-reared chicks arrived she showed no interest in them. When we mixed her with them there was still no interaction. However we did have a problem of the other eight finishing off all the food. Our chick likes to feed when we are present then maybe graze a little throughout the day. When we were not there she had no food.

When we were there she would be frantically begging, following our every move, and throwing herself at the keeper door to get to us. We noticed her body weight going down each day so we increased the daily food allowance and gave extra dishes to reduce competition. When we gave the group access to the poly tunnel they had more time to explore and find food in the grass. Stress levels have been turned down a notch as a consequence. She will feed side by side with the other chicks and there is no aggression. When they react to something she will react and vice versa. There is a level of social cohesion there. Whether it is strong enough for out in the wild is a question we will face closer to the release date. We need to be confident that she will not be completely naïve when faced with a potential threat whether it be falcon, dog, human, etc.

However much her begging down our ear canals might grate and that her clingy nature means it takes at least twice as long to leave the aviary, it is a real privilege to work with a bird like her. She’s made me re-read Corvus: A Life with Birds by Esther Woolfson with greater appreciation.

Durrell display aviary taking shape

If our hand-reared chick is to return to the wildlife park she will get to move into the newly renovated display aviary. There is still a long list of jobs which require ticking off before the choughs can move back in, but the netting at supporting uprights are now in place. Once it is ready Gianna and the other six birds currently off-show to the public can also move back in.

Changing of the guard

Paul Pestana completed his three month placement on the project at the end of June. He extended his time so he could be there when Dusty fledged. Paul is hoping to continue working in conservation, this time in New Zealand a country with lots of experience at re-introductions and restoration work. In the meantime he is off to Kyrgyzstan on holiday! We have set him the challenge of finding a chough and sending back a photo (its not impossible they are resident there).

P1590419Before Paul left he spent a couple of weeks helping our new student Erin O’Brien settle in. Erin is returning to Jersey after completing her degree at the University of Exeter. Like Paul, Erin will spend three months with us and help with the release of this year’s chicks.

Birds On The Edge on Open Country

helencliffsmileyOn 29th July, Birds On The Edge was again in the spotlight when the team from the BBC’s long-running radio programme Open Country interviewed Harriet and Glyn with the choughs at Sorel. Producer Alasdair Cross and presenter Helen Mark caught up with the team and the chough flock on a beautifully sunny and calm morning.

The Open Country team learned all about Birds On The Edge and its work with local farmers and helping birds through the winter, and the project to bring back the red-billed chough. All 16 free-flying choughs were present and performed perfectly for their starring role. Harriet was even able to point out Dusty’s voice in the flock amid the general chough chatter.

During their stay in the Island, Alasdair and Helen also interviewed BOTE stalwarts, Mike Stentiford and Bob Tompkins as well as people in other walks of life in the countryside including archaeologist Matt Pope.

Open Country will be broadcast on Thursday13th August at 3pm on BBC Radio Four and repeated at 6am on Saturday 15th August. The episode recorded in Jersey, and others in the series, can be heard again on iPlayer here.

Alasdair’s recording of the chough calls at Sorel can be heard on the Sounds Of Our Shores website.


Listen to Birds On The Edge on Talking Naturally discussing the project and Dusty the chough

Dusty with parents. Sorel, Jersey 9-7-2015. Photo by Cris Sellares (7)

IMG_1119This week Liz and Glyn talked to Charlie Moores about Birds On The Edge and the excitement of Dusty joining the chough population at Sorel. Charlie, who hosts Talking Naturally, has long been a keen supporter of Birds On The Edge and recorded our conversation for a podcast which you can listen to as well.

IMG_1117Talking Naturally podcasts can be accessed on the Rare Bird Alert website and you can see that Birds On The Edge is in some pretty illustrious company there. You can listen to the interview directly through the RBA website here, through SoundCloud here or download the podcast through iTunes here. We will add the full interview to our own audio section soon.

Please listen to the full interview, Liz and Glyn are the third conversation on the podcast after the RSPB’s Senior Investigations Officer, Mark Thomas, talks about what goes into protecting some of Britain’s rarest birds from disturbance and wildlife criminals such as egg collectors and Tim Mackrill, Reserve Officer for the Lincolnshire & Rutland Wildlife Trust, talks about the Osprey Project which recently celebrated the hatching of its 100th chick.

Listen to the interview here



Stop Press – meet Dusty the chough!

By Liz Corry

We have an apology to make to our faithful readers. We have not been entirely honest with you over the past month. In May we reported that there were two nests in the quarry and that Mauve and White’s nest had not produced any chicks. What we didn’t tell you is that, in the same week of visiting their nest, we also took a sneak peek into Green and Blue’s nest.

Looking at potential chough nest sites in the quarry. Photo by Liz Corry

Looking at potential chough nest sites in the quarry. Photo by Liz Corry

On 12th May we were taken to the nest site by Matthew Sharpe, (then Assistant Quarry Manager) of Ronez quarry. The position of the nest and its careful concealment meant that there was no way we could see into it.

We knew from the female’s daily routine that she was incubating. Not wanting to disturb her we patiently waited. The incubation period is about 19 days from the last egg being laid. We could only guess a start date for laying and allowed a couple of days error either side. Add to that a few more days post-hatch so we don’t spook mum and risk the nest being abandoned.

We had a long wait.

Accessing the nest required a scissor lift or cherry picker to be brought into the quarry. Site foreman Kevin Gray very kindly and efficiently juggled their work schedule to allow their pre-made plans to hire in the machinery to coinincide with our availability to check the nest.

On the 29th, with hard hat, high vis, safety specs, and a 1001 butterflies in the stomach I went up to find out exactly what Green and Blue had been up to over the past three weeks.


Green and Blue’s nest. Photo by Liz Corry

The first thing I saw was a very cleverly constructed nest, exactly how you woud expect a wild chough pair to build one.

Watchful parents. Photo by Liz Corry

Watchful parents. Photo by Liz Corry

Very proud of Green and Blue, who were watching on from above, my journey upwards in the cherry picker continued (at a comical pace) until I was level with the top of the nest.

It was a very proud moment as I gingerly peered in and said hello to a little naked chough chick.

The first sighting of Green and Blue's chick. Photo by Liz Corry

The first sighting of Green and Blue’s chick. Photo by Liz Corry

From our experience with the captive choughs at the Wildlife Park we judged the chick to be about 4-5 days old. It is slightly tricky to judge as you are comparing hand-fed to parent-fed chicks housed in different conditions. However, the lack of emerging pin-feathers allowed for fairly accurate dating. All chough chicks hatch with a bit of ‘fluff’ on them, as can be seen in the photo above, but these are not the feathers.

Whilst this might seem like the perfect time to celebrate we had to be cautious. It takes about 42 days from hatch to the point of flying. In the last week or so before that flight the chick will be ‘bouldering’ around. This could be quite a tricky feat in an active quarry building especially when the nest is built on an overhanging steel girdle. There were potential hazards inside not to mention those outside. What if something happened to the parent(s)? Will there be adequate food for a chick?

Harriet with the free-living choughs waiting for their supplementary feed. Photo by Liz Corry

Harriet with the free-living choughs waiting for their supplementary feed. Photo by Liz Corry

The latter was easy to control. Our supplementary feeding at the aviary meant the parents knew when and where to get food for the chick even if wild supplies dried up (quite literally as the weather gets hotter and the ground becomes harder). We can’t control what happens to the parents when they are out and about. We simply monitor their behaviour and look out for any signs of problems. Ronez helped where they could by keeping an eye on the parents and nest in the quarry.

Even lunchtimes became occupied with nest watches. Photo by Liz Corry.

Even lunchtimes became occupied with nest watches. Photo by Liz Corry.

When the chick was approxiately three-weeks old we paid another visit to the nest. This time to give the chick leg rings, take morphometric measurements, and get a blood sample for sexing. This is the best age to do this as the chicks are almost fully grown but not at risk of jumping out of the nest in panic. Licensed ringer Dave Buxton accompanied myself and Harriet into the quarry. This time Ronez had arranged the use of a scissior lift. We knew from the parents’ behaviour that they had still been taking food to the nest and as soon as we were underneath we could hear the chick calling away.

Once again with parents watching, I went up to the nest, this time to remove the chick so we could process it on the ground in a calm and safe environment. It was amazing to see the size difference between our hand-reared chick and this one. This chick was 70g heavier! We felt shamed as surrogate parents, but it is to be expected as chough parents are bound to be better feeders.

Dusty being ringed at Ronez Quarry. 16-6-2015. Photo by Liz Corry (8)

David Buxton rings Dusty at Ronez Quarry. 16-6-2015. Photo by Liz Corry

We will not know the sex until the DNA results come back from the lab, although we have started placing in-house bets based on weight and leg length. Regardless, the team at Ronez have already taken this chick to heart and proudly named it Dusty.

Dusty was returned to the nest as soon as possible and we quickly left the area so the parents could return to see that their chick was fine. Quarry staff fitted a hammock-style tarpauline underneath the nest to act as a safety net in case the chick was to fall out. Each day they would check the site at the start and end of their working day to make sure Dusty was ok.

Dusty being ringed at Ronez Quarry. 16-6-2015. Photo by Liz Corry (11)

Then on 2nd July I received an urgent text message from Harriet to call her as soon as I could. Two days after we lost our foster chick ‘Special K’ on the operating table I naturally feared the worst.

After a quick chat, and strict instructions never to leave me hanging like that again, my fear subsided and I rushed over to Sorel. Dusty was out!

Without us knowing, Dusty had left the nest-building and moved to the tallest building it could find. The parents were the give-away as they flew to feed it and then spent several hours trying to coax Dusty back down so they could roost in the safety and familiar home of the ‘crusher’ (that is the actual working name of the building!).

Like all toddlers Dusty was intent on ignoring its parents and stayed put. It will probably take a week or so of short practice flights before Dusty spreads its wings further. We fully expect Green and Blue to bring Dusty to the aviary and teach it about the supplementary food as well as how to probe for wild insects. We will be there every step of the way and as ever will keep you posted on its progress…we promise.

Thank you to everyone at Ronez whose support throughout the project has helped tremendously. We would also like to thank Paradise Park, all our colleagues in the Birds On The Edge project and all of the students and volunteers over the last two years as without them Green and Blue would not be flying free and have the resources they need to successfully breed in the wild. This is the first successful breeding attempt by choughs in the Channel Islands since the 1920s. With the continued help of the team and the people of Jersey we hope we can truely see the red-billed chough return to its full glory in the years to come.

Chough report: June 2015

By Liz Corry

Celebrations and commiserations this month as the chough breeding season begins to wind down. We have only managed to produce two chicks this year through the captive breeding programme at Durrell. It doesn’t mean that we have had to work any less, however, to ensure that these chicks make it to fledging.

Hand-rearing Gwinny’s chick

Gwinny's chick is being hand-reared by Durrell staff. Photo by Liz Corry

Gwinny’s chick is being hand-reared by Durrell staff. Photo by Liz Corry

The chick we began hand-rearing in May continued to grow and develop with relative ease. We had a few stressful days trying to keep the chick from overheating. Corvid chicks are prone to overheating when developing in the nest. We had been carefully controlling temperature within the brooder and maintaining a constant room temperature. The problems started when the weather outside improved. Late afternoon to early evening is when the sun is shining directly on the incubation room window. For a couple of days  at the start of June the temperature in the brooder was being pushed up 2-4°C higher than it should have been and the chick would pant excessively. Much like the perils of keeping dogs in hot cars the chick could have easily died. Of course we wouldn’t let that happen.

A makeshift net curtain was put up to shade the chick in the evening and the windows were opened. As this was happening out of hours, open windows posed a security risk, so we stayed with the chick in between the two affected feed times whilst doing our best to cool it down.

Hand-reared chick in the rearing room. Photo by Liz Corry

Hand-reared chick in the rearing room. Photo by Liz Corry

Fortunately this situation did not last long and a couple of days later, at 17 days old, the chick was large enough to move out of the brooder and into our rearing room.

Here we had to make sure the room conditions best prepared the chick for the imminent move to the release aviary.

Heating was turned off and skylight windows were gradually opened to allow for a breeze to blow through the room. Not quite cliff top conditions, but at least the outdoors will not come as too much of a shock.

There was some preparation to do at the aviary before the chick moved in. The doors and hatches to section 1B (where the rearing box is) were closed a few days before. This allowed the free-living choughs to sort out their new living arrangements. Eight of the juveniles roost in the aviary and we know from droppings that some use section 1B. There are plenty of other options within the aviary, they just need to decide amongst themselves who was going to go where. It also allowed us to check there were no rodent issues to compromise the chick’s success.

We also spent two days strimming, chopping, mowing, and bracken bashing. Basically any job that was going to create lots of noise and disturbance we wanted out-of-the-way once the chick moved in. At least until it had fledged and was more comfortable in the aviary.


Choughs forage around the outside of the aviary looking for insects amongst the recently strimmed grass. Photo by Liz Corry.

With these tasks out-of-the-way we picked a day when we had plenty of staff around and the vets were available to examine the chick. On 22nd June we took the chick to the Vet Centre to have a routine health-check and blood samples taken. We also added plastic leg rings and implanted a transponder. A DNA sample was taken and sent off to discover the sex of the chick.


Vet, Alberto Barbon, examining the chick’s eyes…or is it the other way around? Photo by Liz Corry


A transponder microchip being implanted into the chough for indentification purposes. Photo by Liz Corry

The one thing we had not planned for was the torrential downpour which lasted most of the day. The chick was fine, being kept in either a pet carrier or sheltered in the aviary. We didn’t fare too well, even with waterproofs, giving up by lunchtime. The chick seemed to adjust easily regardless of weather and took food from the tweezers straight away. When the adults arrived for their food it was a little intimidated. By the afternoon it was calling in response to the adults calling. The video below includes a clip taken on a smartphone the day the chick moved in. The adults are outside on the netting calling and looking in to try to see where the noise was coming from.

The next couple of days the weather switched to being really nice. This time too nice and the chick was overheating again. We might name the chick ‘Goldilocks’ depending on the DNA results. Temperatures in the nest box were averaging 21°C, 2-3 degrees higher than the chick was used to. We removed one of the corotherm panels on the side of the aviary next to the box to allow the wind to get through which helped a lot.

The adults have found their own way to cool off this month using the sheep water bowsers in the field next door, or flying around the quarry where the temperatures were cooler.


Choughs post-bathe using the water pans left out for the sheep. Photo by Liz Corry


Water bowsers left out for the sheep are used by the choughs as well. Photo by Liz Corry

The underlying issue was that the chick was stressed by the whole situation. Anything additional, like it being too hot, would feel amplified for the chick. Last year the four chicks we moved in had each other to look to for reassurance. As one person described it “remember what your first day of school was like”. The chick can hear the intimidating ‘big kids’ next door and sometimes see them. We appear with food for reassurance then disappear (we don’t want it imprinting on us).


The hand-reared chick fledged in the release aviary at Sorel. Photo by Liz Corry

Feed times instantly doubled in length. The chick would eat a few bites then get distracted by noises outside of the aviary. During this time it would take food from the tweezers but then spit it back out. It meant it wasn’t eating as much as it had been back at the park and it’s body weight was fluctuating daily.


Captive-reared chough chick exploring outside of the nest box (top right corner). Photo by Liz Corry

When the chick started ‘bouldering’ out of the nest it became even harder to feed with all the new things for it to explore.

If it wandered too far from the nest, most notably onto the top step of the ladder, it would stay there until Harriet or myself guided it back up with the promise of food.

The captive-reared chick investigating its new home. Photo by Liz Corry.

By July the chick should be flying around with confidence and eating for itself.

We are hoping to receive a group of parent-reared chicks from Paradise Park who can then be socialised with our chick.

We will assess nearer the time whether this chick is suitable for release. If it ends up being too dependent on staff we might not release it and find an alternative role for it back at the park.

Gianna and ‘Special K’ the foster chick

Day old chough chick. Photo by Liz Corry

Day old chough chick. Photo by Liz Corry

In May we gave Gianna, our tame chough, a chick that we had hand-reared for the first five days after hatching.

Our intentions being that this would be less demanding for staff time compared to hand-rearing.

More importantly the chick gets to be raised by an actual chough and less human contact.

As this was the first time we had attempted foster-rearing, the only surviving egg of Tristan and Issy, and if a successful release candidate to be name something beginning with ‘K’ we decided to give the unsexed chick the nickname ‘Special K’.

Gianna proved to be an attentive first time parent doing everything a mother chough should.

Staff provided Gianna with a regular supply of food from 07:30 until 19:00, sometimes feeding her in the nest as the male would. As always, we ‘preened’ Gianna, but never Special K as that was Gianna’s job. At two weeks old we switched from daily weighing to every few days as it became too much of a disturbance. The chick had become more alert and reactive.

On 30th May I noticed Special K looking a little unsteady in the nest. I took it out to weigh and instantly saw to my dismay that it’s right leg was bent. Until now the twigs in the nest had blocked our view of the chick’s legs when sat in the nest. When we had handled it there was nothing to suggest there was a problem although we don’t spend long with the chick when weighing to avoid prolonged human contact.


A deformity in the right leg of the chough chick Special K causes it to walk with a limp. Photo by Liz Corry.

The weekend duty vet was called out to examine the chick. There were two possible reasons either the chick had sustained a fracture in the nest and healed incorrectly or, more worryingly, it was metabolic bone disease (MBD) where bones are weakened.

MBD can be induced by inappropriate nutrient levels in the diet namely lack of calcium and/or vitamin D3.

Gianna had been feeding the chick a lot of waxmoths. Her favourite food, but not necessarily one packed with the right nutrients.

A blood sample from Special K was sent away to look at calcium and protein levels amongst other things. The results did not ring any alarm bells although we had to bear in mind the sample was taken after the bones had changed and would not necessarily reflect what was happening in the blood prior to this.

Special K, the foster chick out of the nest but not yet at the stage where it can fly. Photo by Liz Corry

Special K, the foster chick out of the nest but not yet at the stage where it can fly. Photo by Liz Corry

The aviary they are housed in came into question as it is quite shaded in the mornings but full exposed by late afternoon. Lack of exposure to sufficient ultraviolet light can also cause MBD.

For a species which nests in caves and crevices you would expect UV levels to be lower in general compared to say a gull nesting on a chimney top. We were not too sure if UV levels would be a contributing factor.

Out of curiosity we took UV and lux (illuminance) readings at three different locations in the aviary and one in the overspill car park (no shade) over a five-day period. We did find that levels inside the nest box were low or zero compared to elsewhere. However, we don’t have data for wild nest sites or other captive breeding aviaries for comparison so we cannot read too much into this.

One way we would know whether it was MBD or a fracture would be to X-ray. We decided to wait until the chick was independent of Gianna to do this. Any intervention resulting from the X-ray would be better managed at this stage in its life rather than earlier. If it proved to be a fracture it might be possible to reset the bones in which case 5-6 weeks of post-operative care would be required.

Gianna feeding her six week old foster chick. Photo by Liz Corry

Gianna feeding her six week old foster chick. Photo by Liz Corry

Special K was returned to Gianna and stayed in the nest until it started bouldering, i.e. jumping in and out of the nest, on the 10th June. Special K’s mobility issues meant it took the chick a few days longer than normal to pluck up the courage and skill to get out of the nest.

We aided it by providing a shelf (B & Q’s finest budget pine) to the front of the nest.This way it didn’t have to leap far.

Once it was out it wasn’t long before it was taking short flights and keepers would find it above their heads hanging out on the safety-porch roof.

The bald patch of skin on the chick's throat is due to Gianna feather plucking. Photo by Liz Corry

The bald patch of skin on the chick’s throat is due to Gianna feather plucking. Photo by Liz Corry

It started feeding for itself around 47 days of age. You could sense Gianna was beginning to feel bored and superfluous. She started preening keepers’ hair and demanding more of our attention. Rather worryingly she started feather plucking the chick under the bill. We tried to provide enrichment, otherwise known as distractions, but to little effect. Any other bird would readily take to them. Gianna either ignored or, in the case of the insect culture we spread out for her to probe through, she tidied it all up and dumped it in the corner of the aviary!

On 30th June the chick was taken to the Vet Department to have X-rays taken. They clearly show the bone deformity along the tarsus which cause the right foot to bend inwards. This could be operated on to straighten the foot and avoid pressure sores and other problems developing in the future. The X-ray revealed a second problem; the femur was also abnormal to such as degree that it would not be possible to fix. This deformity would mean that once the foot was straightened the right leg would be slightly shorter than the left. This would put the chick at a disadvantage on the ground in terms of mobility, but not necessarily impact on its feeding and flying capabilities.

Vet nurse Mel Frost monitoring the chick's respiratory rate whilst it is under anaesthetic. Photo by Liz Corry

Vet nurse Mel Frost monitoring the chick’s respiratory rate. Photo by Liz Corry

Once vet nurse, Mel Frost, had prepped the bird for the operation the vet, Alberto Barbon, began to operate on the tarsus.  In simple terms the bone had to be broken and then reset using pins to hold it in place. These then stay in place for three weeks until the bone has fused together.

What I am about to describe might seem fairly gruesome to those of a sensitive nature. I have seen my fair share of operations, but as a surrogate ‘parent’ looking on even I found it a challenge. That being said it is astonishing what can be achieved through modern veterinary practice and as an observer you become transfixed.

Any operation in which a small bird is anaesthetised carries a risk. With this particular procedure there was another hazard. To break the bone internally the vet risks damaging tendons and nerves with the scalpel. Externally it is a lot cleaner with regards to infection risk, but the break might not be clean and could fragment. The vet opted for the latter and with precision and strength (and courage!) snapped the bone.

Vet Alberto Barbon and vet student Ben Howitt operating on the chough chick. Photo by Liz Corry

Pins were inserted by pushing through the skin at calculated points along the bone. Again this required a lot of precision and concentration. In total four pins were inserted along the length of the bone.

Inserting pins into the tarsus bone. Photo by Liz Corry

These were then braced either side with another pin and each join wired then glued together. Finally the ends of the pins were trimmed so the frame was less cumbersome to the chick once it was up and mobile.

The metal framework was wired and glued then trimmed to size before a protective gauze covering is applied. Photo by Liz Corry

The metal framework was wired and glued then trimmed to size before a protective gauze covering is applied. Photo by Liz Corry

Throughout this the vet nurse had paid close attention to heart rate and breathing rate. Painkillers were being administered and a precautionary antibiotic given. To the chick that is! Vet and staff had to grin and bear.

The positioning of the foot was corrected once the metal framework was in place. Photo by Liz Corry

The positioning of the foot was corrected once the metal framework was in place. Photo by Liz Corry

Two hours in and the vet had reached the stage where he just need to bandage the framework to protect the chick. The vet nurse started to bring Special K around, out of the anaesthetic. Suddenly the chick’s responses changed and staff jumped into emergency mode. The chick had stopped breathing and heart rate had dropped. An avian form of CPR was started and adrenaline administered as a final attempt to restart the heart. Despite every effort Special K did not recover and sadly pronounced dead on the operating table.

Everybody involved was understandably devastated. It had seemed so promising with preparations underway to set up a vet centre cage for it’s post-op recovery just as the news broke. Having been hand-reared and foster-reared by staff for two months the loss of Special K had a greater impact than simply one less chough to release.

We now know via the post-mortem that Special K was a female.

Special K will always have a special place in our hearts. Photo by Liz Corry

Teaching Through Nature

LIVEFor a second year running we participated in Alderney Wildlife Trust’s Teaching Though Nature programme. This is an exciting cross-curricular education project offering schools the opportunity to bring nature into their classrooms.

Using the dramatic lives of seabirds and Alderney’s wildlife, this project links directly to the Keystage 1 & 2 curriculum, and is an effective way of teaching science and literacy skills, and promoting pupil creativity and confidence.

For two weeks at the start of June Durrell took over with daily blogs and live webchats about the choughs, Birds On The Edge, and other species Durrell works with. Questions came flooding in; what do choughs eat?, how many choughs do you have?, what is the deadliest bird? We also had lots of lovely feedback and have hopefully helped spur on the next generation of conservationists.

Summer time shenanigans

P1580216With summer finally arriving there were changes in the air at Sorel. Some quite literally. The sheep have been sheared to lose their winter coat. Aaron and Ewen rounded them into the aviary field and spent four days working their way through the flock. The streamlined brown sheep are now back out on the cliffs and making new friends.

Three of te raven family with the seep at Sorel. Photo by Liz Corry

Three of te raven family with the seep at Sorel. Photo by Liz Corry

The fledged raven family have been spending a lot of time at Sorel in amongst the sheep, patrolling the field edges for food, and generally just hanging out on the cliffs. Considering the size difference, the choughs were probably pushing their luck when they mobbed one for being in their air space. Other than that they have been living happily side by side. The peregrines have been out and about. Thankfully no encounters with the choughs…yet.

DSC06301With the warmer weather and calmer winds the choughs have largely ignored everything else going on at Sorel and simply concentrated on having fun. Flying high, tumbling, and playing on the thermals.

If you ever wanted to know why the collective noun for choughs is a chattering, here is why…

Chough report: May 2015

Nesting advances to the next stage!

By Liz Corry

The merry month of May held true to its poetic title this year and bore witness to the return of breeding choughs in the wilds of Jersey. After the flourish of nest building activity and copulating in April we noticed a change in the adults’ behaviour. Mauve and Blue were often absent or late to the feeds at the aviary. Their respective partners White and Green would be there, hurriedly eat, and then fly off towards the nesting sites. For those of us monitoring the nest sites it was quite tricky to see what was happening. Why? Because they decided to nest in Ronez Quarry!

Ronez quarryWe could only watch the birds as they flew back and forth between Sorel and the quarry and calculate how much time was being spent at the nest site. This is actually quite useful because as, breeding behaviour changes, so does time allocation at the nest.


Green and Blue head back to the aviary for food whilst White flies back to see Mauve in the quarry…maybe. Photo by Liz Corry

We know patterns of time allocation from breeding behaviour in UK choughs, especially Cornwall where nest monitoring is carried out every year as a form of protection as well as research. The female incubates the eggs and is fed by the male on the nest with the odd flight during the day to stretch her wings and get more food. Once those eggs hatch there isn’t much difference in behaviour as she spends the first week or two brooding the chicks. After which point the chicks are bigger and require much more food so both parents go out and forage.


White foraging alone at Sorel. Photo by Liz Corry

At the start of May we observed the males frequently making solo flights between the nest sites and headland. Combined with the females’ absence along the clifftops it suggested they were incubating!

The really interesting behaviour was watching the male feed at the aviary when we added the supplementary diet. He would then fly back to the nest site, seconds later the female would emerge and then fly together to the aviary. It was as if she was waiting for him to confirm that dinner was ready so she didn’t have to waste energy flying back in case we weren’t there.

I have to say this behaviour was most prominent between Green and Blue. White and Mauve did something similar, but alas White’s young mind would often wander and he would easily be distracted on the flight back if he bumped into another chough, especially Black, the female he was still courting. Mauve had to put a lot of effort in and was often seen at the aviary begging frantically for food from either White or the team.

We decided to increase the amount of food we were supplying since everything was being eaten and the females were obviously needing to maintain their energy stores. The juveniles on the other hand just thought Christmas had come early and revelled in the extra food. We do exactly the same for captive birds at the Park if they are polishing off their food. Our consideration for Sorel, however, is whether this means there is enough food and/or sufficient foraging habitat for choughs during the breeding season. We don’t want the choughs to become reliant on the food we give them. At the same time the fact that we have choughs incubating in the wild for the first time in a century means we would not want to risk starving the birds.

The pattern of behaviour with the breeding pairs continued for three weeks; choughs incubate for 19-21 days. Then change was in the air. On 22nd May, I received a call from the Quarry, one of their staff reported hearing a ‘cheeping’ noise from Mauve’s nest! We had already paid a visit to the quarry to see exactly where the nest sites were, so we knew that it would not be possible to visually confirm chicks without disturbing the nest. Instead we had to rely on behavioural patterns again. Over the next 48 hours we started seeing Mauve spending more and more time away from the nest site. Due to the Bank Holiday weekend we were not able to access the nest until the Tuesday by which time we were confident that Mauve had abandoned.


White and Mauve at the aviary after their nest failed. Photo by Liz Corry

With assistance from Ronez staff I climbed up and checked in the nest hoping to find something to indicate what had happened. It was spotless.


Impressive engineering from Mauve and White led to one of the first wild chough nests in Jersey in a century. Photo by Liz Corry.


Our choughs have used fibre glass insulation found in the quarry as well as sheep’s wool to line their nests. Photo by Liz Corry.

A perfect nest with twigs, sheep’s wool, and fibre glass insulation (apologies Ronez for any damage to property).

On a more positive note Green and Blue continued as normal and we wait anxiously. I can only hope that the fact their pair bonding is stronger and they are that little bit older means they will have more success.

Dingle and Red

We mentioned last month that Dingle had paired up with Red and started nest building. They are still a pair but never really got anywhere with a nest. Having spoken to quarry staff it appears we had four females trying to nest in various places around the quarry. Moving twigs from site to site with only two finally feeling happy with their choice. This is an amazing achievement for their first year breeding and first year living free in Jersey. It bodes well for the 2016 breeding season.

News from the Wildlife Park

Back at the Park we had a much clearer idea of what was happening. On 1st May a very punctual chick emerged from the egg that was being artificially incubated. We hand-reared it for the first five days feeding it from 6am until 11pm using the same methods as last year. This time round we were faced with the problem of rearing a chough in isolation. Last year having four chicks together meant they would be socialised and learn from each other exactly what a chough looks and sounds like. With a single chough the chances of imprinting are much higher.

Catherine Francescon feeding the day old chick. Photo by Liz Corry

Senior keeper Catherine Francescon feeding the day old chick. Photo by Liz Corry

Staff gently clean chick's bill after feed. Photo by Liz Corry

Staff gently clean chick’s bill after feed. Photo by Liz Corry

We decided to try foster-rearing using Gianna as mum. This was not without its own risks. What is she didn’t take to the chick? Would she know what to do? Would she be able to feed it enough since she had no partner to feed her in the nest? The answer to the latter was easy. We became her partner. We would go in and feed her and if needs be feed the chick as well, but, ideally, she would do it to feel sufficiently bonded with the chick. The first question was the tough one and there was only one way to find out.

When the chick was five days old we moved it in with Gianna. I went in to feed and preen (tickle) her then swiftly switched her egg for a chick. What happened next melted the heart, she went to the nest box as I pretended to leave. I didn’t want to disturb her so walked to the other side of the aviary and watched carefully. She went to sit back on the ‘egg’ then hesitated, looked down puzzled, looked outside (I won’t say ‘at me’ as that is far too romanticised), then very carefully sat down and brooded the chick. The clip below was taken at a later date when Gianna was more confident.

I sat by the safety porch out of sight but still inside in case things turned nasty. It was silent for exactly 28 minutes, then movement.


Gianna removing a feacal sac produced by the chick. Photo by Liz Corry

Heart in mouth I watched, half expecting to see a bill appear with a chick dangling down. Instead it was a faecal sac belonging to the chick. Gianna flew out and across to the opposite corner of the aviary, deposited the faeces, cleaned her bill, then flew back to the nest. Now maybe this is something only a bird keeper can appreciate, but this was one of the most satisfying sights to see.

The next hurdle was seeing if she would feed it. It wasn’t a smooth start. Gianna knew it needed to be fed, she knew exactly what call to make to encourage the chick to beg, but she couldn’t quite work out how she got the food from her bill into the chick’s. It took three feeding attempts throughout the morning as she teased the chick with food overhead. To be fair, a single chough chick in a nest wobbles around a lot when its begging making it a very fast moving target. By the fourth feed something switched on and she figured out what to do.

We continued to support the chick by hand-feeding pinky mice and papaya, but since Gianna did such as great job we left her to it after a few days. We still went in six times a day from 7.30am until 7pm making sure she had enough supplies and, being Gianna, enough attention.

Gianna collecting inscts to feed to her foster chick. Photo by Liz Corry

Gianna collecting inscts to feed to her foster chick. Photo by Liz Corry

The foster chick had daily weigh ins for the first three weeks to monitor its progress. Photo by Liz Corry

The foster chick had daily weigh-ins for the first three weeks to monitor its progress. Photo by Liz Corry

It takes 41 days for a chough to fledge so pretty much the rest of May was spent just making sure the chick grew strong and healthy. Once this chick has fledged and is independent from Gianna it will be moved up to Sorel to take part in the 2015 release this summer.


Gianna keeping a watchful eye on her foster chick whilst making sure she is pampered properly at the same time. Photo by Liz Corry

Gianna’s foster chick was the only egg to hatch from Issy’s clutch of five. They re-made their nest but never got around to laying a second clutch for reasons unknown. The second egg being artificially incubated was the one rescued from Gwinny, or more accurately from the Dad who had an aversion to eggs. This pair also failed to lay a second clutch so it was really important that their egg survived.

The incubation period or this egg was an anxious one. It’s weight-loss graph suggested it wasn’t going to survive. Bird Staff worked hard to reduce humidity keeping the incubator and room as dry as possible. In the end a very delicate and nerve-wrecking procedure of drilling a small hole into the shell was carried out. This had the desired effect after which point it was a case of sit and wait. Not long past the due date the chick inside started to chip away at the shell and eventually emerged.

Gwinny's chick being hand-reared by staff. Photo by Liz Corry

Gwinny’s chick being hand-reared by staff. Photo by Liz Corry

It has responded very well to life outside of the shell and is piling on the pounds in a good way. It now consumes about 20% of its body weight per feed, which equates to a lot of insects. As with the foster chick we hope this one will make it up to the release aviary this summer.

The video below was taken when Gwinny’s chick was only a few days old and had not opened its eyes yet. When the eye slits start to open we feed wearing a black glove and using orange tweezers. The iPod is used to playback the sound a female chough would make at the nest to announce she has food. It isn’t always necessary if the chick is already begging.

Guided chough tours now offered…by choughs. Photo by Harriet Clark.

Moulting begins

We started noticing moulted feathers in the aviary at the start of May. A few days later the choughs at the Park followed suit. For the Sorel choughs this meant that the remaining radio-transmitters started to drop off.

Their batteries are still active so we should be able to find them (unless they fall in the sea). If you are visiting Sorel and happen to find one please pick it up and contact one of the team we can refurbish them for the 2015 release.

Veterinary intervention

Durrell vet Alberto Barbon examining Mauve in the aviary. Photo by Harriet Clark

mauve's faecal under microscope

Digital microscope image of a chough faecal flotation The large dark oval shape in the top left of the image is a syngamus egg. Photo by Ann Thomasson

Shortly after Mauve abandoned her nest we noticed that she started looking a little run down and began sneezing and spluttering quite badly. She was caught up in the aviary and looked at by the Vet. Faecal samples showed she had nematodes and she was under weight. Highly likely to be stress-related, we kept her locked-in for a week and a treatment of Ivermectin. When she was looking better we released her back into the group.

Durrell’s Display Aviary

SORG SIGNThanks to a very kind private donor work can now begin on the renovation work for the display aviary at Durrell.

As you can see from the photos it isn’t an easy job and will take several weeks. Once ready we will once again be able to flock the choughs together over the non-breeding season.

SORG crane Glynn Bower (4)

Dismantling netting frame of chough display aviary. Photo by Glynn Bower

SORG crane Glynn Bower (2)

Work began this month nf repairing and redesigning the display aviary at Durrell. Photo by Glynn Bower.







And finally…

The Institute of Zoology held a symposium in May entitled ‘Health and disease in translocated wild animals’. Organised by Tony Sainsbury and John Ewen (ZSL), Katherine Walsh and Ian Carter (Natural England), and Matt Hartley (RSPB) the two-day symposium reviewed the impact of disease on species restoration through translocation, and considered lessons learned to guide effective planning and implementation of future translocation projects. Health management of conservation interventions was discussed, including methods of disease-risk analysis, evaluation of disease management alternatives, use of molecular tools to unravel disease risks, mitigation of diseases and methods for post-release health monitoring.


Day 2 of the symposium held at ZSL. Photo by Liz Corry

To kick off the second day Prof. Carl Jones, chief scientist at Durrell, talked about managing behaviour; appropriate socialisation and early learning to enhance survival using our choughs as a case study.

Bean, Dingle and company fulfilled their flagship role that day and brought the Birds On The Edge project to the attention of a international crowd. In a good way I might add!

Proceedings of the talks will eventually be published in EcoHealth and made available upon request.

Here is a tweet from one of the participants:

Hadlow tweet

Chough report: April 2015

By Liz Corry

News from the Wildlife Park

The first clutch of the season captured on the nest camera.

The first clutch of the season captured on the nest camera.

The breeding pairs at the park laid their first eggs of the season this month. Issy waited until after the Easter Bank Holiday to start her clutch of five eggs.

As planned, keepers waited until she had been incubating the clutch for at least five days (25% of the incubation period) and then transferred them to the artificial incubator. Tristan and Issy immediately started rebuilding the nest with the intention to re-lay.

As with all artificially incubated eggs, these were weighed, measured, and then set in the incubator. Staff weighed the eggs daily to monitor weight loss and candled the eggs to check on development. After evaluating methodology and data from last year’s breeding season we decided to set the initial humidity levels lower at 30% instead of 50% to increase hatching success. This seems to have had a positive effect last year.

Sadly, four of Issy’s five eggs died very early on, potentially before staff removed them from the nest. The fifth egg (not necessarily laid in that order) survived. Not only that but it showed an almost perfect pattern of expected weight loss over its incubation period. We think this was due to the reduced humidity. The expected hatch date for the egg is May 1st.

Gwinny waited until the end of the month to start laying. She did the same last year and timed it with Issy laying her second clutch. We had hoped that this year the male having now acquainted himself with what an egg looks like, would co-operate and not throw them out. Alas, the first sign of Gwinny having an egg was a discarded one on the aviary floor when the keeper went in to feed.

Looking back at the recorded footage from the nest-camera we spotted Gwinny laying an egg at around 20.00 one evening. At 06.15 the male went in and removed the egg in his beak when Gwinny was off the nest. Watch in this nest camera video as the male removes the egg – and watch Gwinny return showing her disapproval!

We set up the cameras so we could watch from our computers at home. At 06.00 the next day Harriet woke, switched on the computer and dialled 9-9-EGG! Catherine, living the closest to the park, leapt into action and headed straight for the aviary to rescue the egg. Harriet continued to watch as the male carefully removed the egg just before Catherine arrived at 06:10! We were able to rescue one egg from Gwinny’s clutch. We do not actually know at this stage whether the egg is fertile. We will have to wait and see.

Gianna’s golden egg

After Gianna’s master class in the art of nest building last month she advanced to demonstrating how to incubate an egg!

Gianna nest building

When she finished building the nest she spent a few days moping around the aviary looking a bit lost. This period is when you expect the pair to be copulating. Gianna’s substitute partner (guess who!) spent a lot of time tickling her lower back resulting in quivering wings and tail feathers. I am not sure I can go into much more detail for readers before the watershed.

The next stage was to provide her with a dummy egg to trick her into thinking she had started laying. It worked and she laid her first slightly odd-looking egg. Nevertheless she was very proud of that egg and has been incubating it diligently ever since. This is very good training for next year if she is to become a foster mum.

Breeding pairs at Sorel

In March we witnessed the first twigs to be carried by nesting choughs out on the north coast. This month things stepped up a gear. Twigs, gorse, dried bracken, and wool were just some of the items collected by the choughs. Interestingly the two dominant males did most of the work flanked all the time by their females. In the case of White, by both his females.


Hopefully they re not flying off to Sark with that twig. Photo by Liz Corry


White feeding Mauve whilst his other female forages alongside. Photo by Liz Corry

White feeding Mauve whilst his other female forages alongside. Photo by Liz Corry

White preening one of his two females, Black. Photo by Liz Corry.

White and one of his two females, Black, taking time out to bond over a preening session. Photo by Liz Corry.

With the nests complete towards the end of the month (well at least thats what we think) the males turned their attention to courtship displays and mating.


Photo by Paul Pestana.

Watch this short video of one of the males displaying in the aviary towards two females.

For a while it seemed like April would be a very average month in the Sorel chough calendar. Then, true to form, scandal broke.

Dingle joining the other juveniles on the aviary roof. Photo by Liz Corry

Dingle joining the other juveniles on the aviary roof. Photo by Liz Corry

Dingle, our hand-reared male, didn’t come home to roost at the aviary one night. For the past month or so the juveniles and an unpaired adult, Red, spent their nights in the aviary. The 8pm radio-tracking session towards the start of the month showed that Dingle was not there. Neither was Red!

Growing up, Dingle and the other three hand-reared chicks were always very close. Dingle begs for food from them, often they cave in and feed. He might reciprocate. Chickay and Bean probably spend more time with him than little Caûvette. Mutual preening observed on a daily basis.

Maybe Red’s recent heartbreak from Green and Dingle’s ‘teenage’ hormones have led to the two forming a bond. Can it lead to something more?


Red and Dingle are now spending time together and roost away from the juveniles. Photo by Liz Corry.

Radio tracking and behavioural observations

Green dropped his transmitter on the 19th. This has very little impact on his way of life, but is extremely frustrating for the team as we can no longer distinguish between the three males in flight. Our behavioural observations are now biased towards those birds we can identify, i.e. choughs feeding on open grazed land or at the aviary. We have stopped these observations and are now focusing on nesting behaviour.


Behavioural observations in the field. Photo by Liz Corry

The radio-tracking study of the males’ home range also terminated at the end of the month due to the lack of transmitters. Despite trying to adapt we could no longer collect the required data. This will not stop us from following the choughs. It just restricts the amount of quantitative data for analysis.


Once the choughs take flight it is often difficult to tell them apart. Photo by Liz Corry


Choughs probing the sheep-grazed coastline. Photo by Paul Pestana.

Student exchange

Jen sampling gorse cupcakes. Photo by Harriet Clark.

Jen sampling gorse cupcakes. Photo by Harriet Clark.

Jennifer who joined the project in October last year, bid farewell to the choughs and Jersey this month as she returned home to the UK. Jen is the only non-resident student who has been able to commit to more than three months so far.

I’m sure that as the winter months set in at Sorel she began to regret signing up for so long.

Jen assures me that it was worth staying the course and has learnt a great deal including how gorse flower cupcakes taste! We are extremely grateful to have had Jen on our team and admire her dedication throughout.

New student Paul getting to know the choughs. Photo by Liz Corry

New student Paul getting to know the choughs. Photo by Liz Corry

Jen handed over the reins to our new student Paul Pestana.

Paul is a familiar face at Durrell having swapped telecommunications for a career in conservation several years ago.

His first step was becoming a student placement within the Bird Department before going on to study at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (University of Kent).

For the last six months Paul has been a volunteer in Mauritius working closely with the pink pigeons. The skills Paul has acquired out in the tropics are very applicable to the student placement role. With the added bonus of not having to deal with mosquitoes.

Whilst not quite up to tropical standards, the weather in Jersey improved greatly this month with the thermometer pushing 25°C – clearly challenging to both choughs and sheep (and field staff who forget sun block!).


The sheep seeking shade at Sorel (try saying that at speed). Photo by Liz Corry

The most challenging weather for staff at Sorel, however, may be when the sea fog rolls in. Breath-taking it may be, yet really really annoying when you are trying to follow birds across a 2km stretch of coastline.


Sea fog clung to the cliffs the entire day on 13th April. Photo by Liz Corry

The spate of good weather meant the juveniles had the opportunity to kick back and relax. If ever proof was needed that choughs play then this was it.

P1540154 P1540156When corvids play it releases endorphins the same way as in humans, making them feel happy. And when choughs play with wool they are actually learning; watching how the adults pick out wool to line nests.

Who knows what else they learn out at Sorel…

sheep mimic


We still have no news on the fate of Jean. We have officially declared her as deceased in the International Species Information System (ZIMS). There is though one new theory to her mystery disappearance. Alien tractor beam.


Last feed before roost. Photo by Liz Corry

Chough report: March 2015


March was a bitter-sweet month in the chough project. We start with the sad news of Jean’s mystery disappearance. On a sodden, gale-force Sunday morning when the clock chimes echoed the start of British Summer Time, but nothing else did, only fifteen choughs could be counted at Sorel. Visibility was poor, but the radio tracker was very decisive in telling me that Jean’s signal had vanished. After several hours searching the coastline from Bonne Nuit to Crabbé, two feeds at the aviary without her showing up, and one brief stop in the pub with an open fire to catch some sort of reprieve from the elements, the outlook for Jean was grim.

The radio tracking antennae took a battering in the gales the day Jean went missing. Photo by Liz Corry.

Having said that, I was still quite hopeful. Perhaps the merciless weather had separated her from the group and she was sheltering in a crevice or somewhere blocking the radio signal.

They have experienced wetter days yet rarely a day when they struggle to fly back into the aviary, opting instead to land on the shelving and cautiously side-step through the hatches.

Jean, named after the Parish they all reside in, was the juvenile we treated last year for sudden blindness in one eye (see October 2014 report). Maybe this put her at a disadvantage although for the past six months there has been nothing to suggest this was the case.


Jean at the start of March, pictured here in the centre, waiting her turn for supplementary food.

The search area was extended to include known peregrine hang outs. If she was ‘sheltering’ in a peregrine stomach we should at least find the discarded feathers with transmitter attached still beeping away. Alas the radio receiver just crackled away with white noise.

It is difficult to speculate as to what happened without any clues. The remaining fifteen are behaving as normal (perhaps too normal!) and all appear in good health. Well, at least they were after she went missing.


Jean hanging out with Dingle and the other juveniles shortly before she disappeared. Photo by Liz Corry.

Further news from Sorel

We had a minor scare earlier on the 15th when Blue flew to the aviary with her right leg hanging down. Harriet had noticed her limping slightly the day before, but now she was clearly affected by it. I called the group into the aviary for food and shut the hatches. This was the first time the group has been locked in together overnight since October. No one appeared to object and the next morning Blue was caught up and driven to the Veterinary Centre at Durrell to have x-rays taken.


When we caught her up we noticed she was thin and the scales confirmed she had lost about 20 grams in weight. It was also clear that there was dried blood on her metal leg ring. We drove her to the Vet Centre where she was anaesthetised and checked over. The metal ring was adhered to the leg, so we cleaned it up and then used specialised ring-removing pliers to take the ring off. Underneath the ring the leg looked remarkably good, with a little swelling and some abrasions to the skin. X-rays were taken.

B6974 X-ray

X-ray of a chough, more specifically Blue. The small object that looks a bit like a bullet is actually her identification microchip implanted into the pectoral muscle.

These showed a little bit of bony reaction under where the ring had been but no other causes for the lameness. We took advantage of her being in the Vet Centre to give her a full check over and took blood samples. Whilst anaesthetised she was given both an anti-biotic and an anti-inflammatory drug by injection to reduce the risk of infection and to ease the pain and swelling.

Vet examination of Bue

Blue (adult, female chough) being examined at the Vet Centre by head vet Andrew Routh. Clockwise from top left; she was given a general anaesthetic, then weighed, given injections of antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory, and an antiseptic wound spray was applied to the cut. Photos by Liz Corry.

Once she recovered from the anaesthetic we took her back into the aviary at Sorel. She was locked into one of the back sections so we could continue with her 5-day course of medication given in food. The rest of the birds were given access back outside with the hope that her partner Green would stay close by. The mesh walls allow him to pass food to her and roost almost side by side if he so wished. The thing is, he didn’t!!

The first night Green roosted in his same spot in the quarry. The next day he was hanging around with Red, a lone female who normally roosts with the juveniles. Then came the ultimate insult to Blue, yet outstanding news for the project, Green and Red started showing signs that they wanted to nest. At first activity levels were sporadic: maybe a handful of sightings of a chough carrying a twig over the space of a week. Their breeding instinct had kicked in, but maybe they weren’t too sure what they were supposed to do having never bred before.

P1510954Red has never had much luck when it comes to relationships. She was originally paired with Orange, the male who died in the quarry during the trial release. When White arrived in December 2013 she tried to take him under her wing, so to speak, but that failed.

When we moved the hand-reared chicks into the aviary last summer she would often appear at feed times watching what we were doing very closely. On occasion it looked like she was trying to feed the chicks through the mesh. She seems very broody in her nature and a little bit soft-hearted. Her manoeuvre with Green, whilst quite bold, is understandable at this time of year.

We decided to discharge Blue from the ‘hospital wing’ a little early as she was not taking her medication and clearly not liking being separated. I opened her hatches at the lunchtime feed and spent the afternoon observing her integration back into the group. She more or less went to find Green straight away and of course met Red too. The threesome seemed to be harmonious in flight and stayed together all afternoon. Occasionally the other adults would fly in and join them, but never for long periods. The discord seemed to be when Green and Red landed. Red would see off Blue if she tried to search for food near the pair. It seemed like Blue would need to resign herself to a life without Green.

Green and Red foraging alone along Sorel point. Photo by Liz Corry.

Green and Red foraging alone along Sorel point. Photo by Liz Corry.

Until the next morning, that was, when Green and Blue were flying around together and Red was with the juveniles looking a little sullen. Red roosted back at the aviary and Green and Blue returned to the quarry. Normality resumed. For now anyway.

The other pair with potential to breed this year is White and his partner Mauve. White is now carrying twigs around which is really exciting news.

Green, adult male, flying with a piece of gorse root potentially to use to construct a nest.

None of the pairs have shown much interest in the nest-boxes we put up. Jennifer however did watch the juveniles foraging around one of the sites and spotted Bean investigate inside the nest-box. This is great news for the future as the juveniles are recognising the boxes and will remember that there are sites out there suitable for nesting.


We are not entirely sure what was going through Chickay’s mind when she picked this polystyrene strip off the side of the aviary. We don’t think she knew either!

News from the Wildlife Park

Back at the Wildlife Park the breeding pairs have been busy building their nests. Tristan and Iseult show the most promise now they are back together. They made a perfect nest within a couple of weeks and we now eagerly await eggs. Gwinny is trying to make her nest. However, her young fella seems to object to her choices of twig and removes them. By the end of the month an agreement had been made and the structure of a nest was there.

nest progression SF2 2015

Tristan and Issy’s nest took about two weeks to construct using materials supplied by keepers on a daily basis.

The first clutch of eggs laid by these two pairs will be partially incubated by the females and then removed for keepers to continue and hopefully hand-rear. The pairs should try to lay a second clutch and we will let them rear that clutch. All offspring will become enrolled in the 2015 soft release ‘squadron’ preparing for take-off this summer.


One other chough busily building a nest is Gianna, our foster-mum-in-training. When she was with the Italian vet students who rescued her, she had attempted to make a nest, but wasn’t really given the right set up and was still quite young. We provided her with a nest-box and started her off with some twigs.

Gianna proudly collecting twigs for her nest.

Gianna proudly collecting twigs for her nest. Photo by Liz Corry

I don’t think any of us was prepared for the speed in which Gianna built her nest and for her excitement in doing so. It became very difficult to distinguish whether she was preening my hair or looking for material to line the nest. Normally they use wool or horse hair. I feel like this should be taken as an insult.

Back at Sorel

Other newsworthy events this month include Dingle losing his transmitter in amongst the gorse and the battery on Egg’s transmitter appears to have run out. We expect the other transmitters to wind down in the next month or so before the birds begin their annual moult. Dingle and Egg tend to stick close together, along with the other youngsters. Hopefully we will still be able to keep a close eye on them.

Daniel and companions radio tracking the choughs. Photo by Harriet ClarkDan’s time as a student on the project came to an end this month. It is amazing how time flies when counting sheep and tracking choughs. He moves to Wales next month to monitor osprey nests and hang out with the choughs on Anglesey. We wish him all the best and are in no way jealous that he might get to see osprey chicks up close and personal.

If anyone is wondering how the eclipse affected the choughs this month….it didn’t! However, we did see some stunning scenes around the chough release site this month. Here are just a few examples….

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Chough report: February 2015


By Liz Corry

February, normally a relatively quiet time in the chough calendar, quickly became action packed. It started with the first snow of the season, the first ever for the chicks.


The choughs searched out snow-free ground to probe in this month (they obviously didn’t look behind the gorse!). Photo by Harriet Clark.

It quickly became apparent that the field staff were more excited by this than the birds. All the choughs cared about was finding food.

In the wild, choughs don’t tend to fare too well if the ground freezes because the surface is too hard to probe. There wasn’t much snow in Jersey, but enough for the choughs to start looking for exposed ground.

Even if the birds can dig below the surface, ground temperatures are not particularly favourable to the insect communities. This was evident when the pitfall traps were collected in by the students. Most were empty to the dismay of the sheep who obviously thought they might be full of food.


Naturally the choughs became more dependent on the supplementary food we have been giving them. The fact that no individuals have died over winter due to starvation is in part a testament to how post-release care is important for a successful re-introduction.


Chickay getting stuck in to her aviary feed. Photo by Liz Corry.

Knowing that we want to release more choughs this year and the next, we have started to prepare ourselves, and the choughs, for what happens if there is too much competition in the aviary at feed time or if the original cohort disperse further afield.


Food stands in the aviary field reduce competition for food in the aviary. Photo by Liz Corry.

We continue to use the external food stands in the field to create multiple feeding sites, thus reducing competition.

Especially from the bold, hand-reared chicks who zoom to the bowls first.

Whilst we might have the odd magpie attempt to masquerade as a choughs to get free food we have not had any problems with other species taking food.


Song thrushes arrived back at Sorel this month and spent most of the time in the aviary field filling up on insects. Photo by Liz Corry.

The dozen or so song thrushes who visited the aviary field this month did take a shine to the food stands. I’m guessing their interest was in any spillage underneath.

Or maybe the sheep ‘fertilizer’ has created an insect hotspot which meant they favoured that field over others!

We have started taking portable target boards out onto the grazed headland to get the choughs used to feeding elsewhere. We might get individuals or pairs dispersing far away from the aviary and we want to guarantee we can get the supplemental food to them if they don’t return to the aviary.

Initially we treated it as a test. Have they just become accustomed to being fed in the same places each day or would they recognise a target board at a completely different location? Their corvid intelligence shone through and they eagerly flew to the targets wherever we put them. So far we have only tried relatively close to the aviary. As their success in finding the targets continues we will try further afield.

P1500428In the wild, the chough breeding season kicks off at the end of February or early March if the weather is mild. Breeding pairs are gathering materials and building their nests to rear their brood over the following three months if successful. Some of our original choughs released in 2013 are now sexually mature and we have two pairings with potential to breed. Over the next few months we will be following Green and his partner Blue very carefully along with White and his partner Mauve.

To aid in this, as mentioned in January’s report, we have added a radio transmitter to Green, the oldest male in the group. By doing this we were quite surprised to find out that he has been roosting in the quarry buildings. From our observations the previous few months we have always seen White and Mauve fly to the quarry at night and Green and Blue hang around the aviary.

Ronez quarry. Photo by Liz Corry.

Some of the structures in the quarry that the choughs like to hang out on at weekends. Photo by Liz Corry.

It might be that this move to the quarry is recent. Although what we fear is that the pair have tricked us and quietly sneaked out seconds before everyone else has gone to roost. Visibility at dusk is poor as you can imagine and we watch from a distance to avoid disturbing them. The only guarantee is if we can hear their transmitters beeping away in our headphones. It also helps having ‘spies’, otherwise known as quarry workers, who keep you informed on how many choughs are waiting for them when they start work at 6am.

We were told that four had roosted in the quarry the day we started radio-tracking Green. Presumably the fourth bird is Green’s partner. If not, I think someone needs to break the news to Blue!

Ronez Quarry have been a huge support throughout this project and this month was no exception. They provided funding to build nest-boxes for our inexperienced choughs who might want to nest along the north coast but could be looking for boxes, just like the ones they were reared in, rather than natural crevices. This could be the case for the first year of breeding. Then, as they build in confidence and experience, they will happily use natural sites.

Since we have birds roosting in the quarry already we suspect that they might try to nest on the rock face or in the buildings. If the latter we need to provide them with somewhere safe and sheltered from the dusty working environment.


Glyn Young, Durrell, and quarry site manager Kirsten DuHeaume in Ronez quarry. Photo by Liz Corry

We spent a couple of days surveying the quarry for potential nest sites with manager Kirsten DuHeaume, and foreman Kevin Gray. We also had to consider which sites were feasible from a health and safety perspective.

Blasting rock for quarrying purposes can leave hidden fractures in surrounding rock faces. What might seem stable from the outside is actually far less when it comes to working on it.

Some buildings which looked suitable could not be reached to place the box high enough for a chough to consider using it. We managed, however, to find a few suitable sites and the rest of our boxes were distributed along the north coast.

Ronez kindly provided the use of their machinery as well as their staff to operate it. Not only that, but they paid for Tony Cross to come over from Wales to advise and assist with fitting the boxes. Within seconds and with precision and skill, Kevin Le Herrissier designed a couple of steel supports to aid in fixing the boxes in place. Tony assisted in positioning the boxes and adding handfuls of gravel, the equivalent of ‘soft-furnishings’.

Keith Le Herrissier and Tony Cross preparing a nest box.

Kevin Le Herrissier and Tony Cross preparing a nest box. Photo by Liz Corry

The boxes, designed by Tony Cross, were built off-site by two volunteers, John and Mo, who work in Durrell’s Maintenance Department and, thanks to Steve Luce, by La Moye Prison. The prison have previously built nest-boxes for other projects but this time it feels more poignant since La Moye was the last recorded breeding site for wild choughs in Jersey.

Due to the sensitivity of the choughs and to safeguard their survival we will not be disclosing to the public the exact locations of the nest-boxes or any natural sites they use. Licences are required in the UK, just to take photos at chough nests as a certain level of legal protection is needed to deter egg-poaching.

Tony Cross watching the choughs for cllues as to where they might nest. Photo by Liz Corry

Tony Cross watching the choughs for cllues as to where they might nest. Photo by Liz Corry

Of course the choughs are free to choose where they go and sometimes, as with the quarry, it can become quite obvious.

For now, here are a few photos to give you an idea of what we got up to. Needless to say don’t try this at home unless you are equipped with a fully operational Tony Cross. We also had help from our project partners in the form of National Trust ranger, Neil Harvey, and the States of Jersey’s principal ecologist John Pinel, an experienced climber.

I must also add that we have permission from the landowners to erect these nest-boxes. A requirement for anyone wanting to put up a nest-box.

Tony and his colleague Adrienne normally have to risk life and limb abseiling over cliff edges to erect nest-boxes for choughs.


This time Ronez lent a ‘helping hand’….

Kevin assisted in fixing the boxes. With steel brackets and bolts into the rock I don’t think we will have any problems with boxes falling down!


Some boxes just need to be dug into the top of the cliff edge.


Others can be a bit trickier….

P1510001…which is where the extra bodies came in useful. Much to the ‘delight’ of Neil!
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and always of course under the supervision of the choughs.

P1500476In fact I started to get a bit paranoid by their stalking. Hopefully it meant that by the end of the day they had made a mental note of all the box locations.


Preparing for the breeding season in the Wildlife Park

Preparations for the breeding season have also been underway at the Wildlife Park. Once again we hope to hand-rear and parent chicks from our captive-breeding pairs which can then be used in this year’s soft release.

Two breeding pairs have been moved to their off-show aviaries. Gwinny has stayed paired with the same young male as last year. True to the Celtic legend Tristan and Iseult have reunited and, no pressure here, but since they have produced eggs together in the past we have huge expectations for this pair.


At the start of February we imported a new male from Paradise Park. Denzel, named by his previous keepers, moved into our quarantine enclosure where he must remain until he has been given the ok from our vets. We are hoping he will pair up with our single female to make a third couple.

P1510577 (2)The nest cameras have been switched on and all the birds have now changed to their breeding diet which means more protein is added to the menu. We will have to wait until March to find out if the pairs decide to build nests.

Gianna, meanwhile, is waiting patiently for when they do in case we need to call on her services as a foster mum. We are still at the very early stages of her training. She is starting to allo-preen staff now: a sign of a pair-bonding in the bird world. She might not reach the stage this year in which we are confident with her foster-rearing abilities. However, we would certainly like to think she can aid the breeding programme in the future.


Chough report: January 2015

Photo by Harriet ClarkBy Harriet Clark

Choughs sifting through dead bracken in search of insects. Photo by Jennifer Garbutt

Choughs sifting through dead bracken in search of insects. Photo by Jennifer Garbutt

January was another relatively quiet month for the choughs, partly due to the many wet and windy days on the north coast. The team continued with the radio-tracking study as usual, but often found the birds weathering the storm in the shelter of the aviary or quarry buildings. Therefore, occasions when the birds were found foraging in a new field or section of cliff were met with glee by the tracking team. Whilst the birds did not travel any further afield this month, they continued finding new areas to investigate, including the dirt bike track, dry stone walls and the edges of ploughed agricultural fields close to the coast.

New student Daniel practising colour ring re-sighting as the choughs probe in the aviary field. Photo by Harriet Clark.

New student Daniel practising colour ring re-sighting as the choughs probe in the aviary field. Photo by Harriet Clark.

The start of the New Year saw us welcoming a new member to the chough team, Daniel Loveard. Daniel is an environmental conservation student at Bangor University, and is spending his placement year gaining practical experience in bird conservation and developing his field skills. Just weeks before arriving in Jersey he was volunteering on a parrot conservation project in the Caribbean, so the wintery conditions at Sorel were undoubtedly a bit of a shock! He spent his first few days learning how to radio-track and identify the individual birds by their colour rings. This was particularly tricky when there is the added challenge of trying to hold your binoculars steady in the wind! Details and information on how to apply for a placement on the chough project can be found here.

In December the flock of Manx loaghtan sheep at Sorel were confined to the aviary field due to several of the younger sheep falling ill. Fortunately the flock recovered well, and the older stock was released back onto the north coast in January. Since then the sheep seem to have grown quite attached to the tracking team, greeting them as they arrive in the morning, following them as they radio track the choughs, and showing great interest in the contents of the insect pitfall traps! Photo by Harriet Clark (2)

Daniel and companions radio tracking the choughs. Photo by Harriet Clark

Daniel and companions radio tracking the choughs. Photo by Harriet Clark

The sheep certainly provide company during long days up on the cliff tops, but more importantly play a vital role in the Birds On The Edge project, as they help open up scrub landscape and increase biodiversity. Their extensive grazing determines the structure and floral composition of the vegetation, so we are very grateful to local botanist Anne Haden for carrying out surveys across the site to record the diversity of plants present. Anne maps the plants found at the eight randomly selected pitfall trap sites, and submits her records to the Jersey Biodiversity Centre. A personal favourite so far is the unassuming looking but aptly named Sheep Sorrel!

Handsome Green; the mud stains on his beak are evidence of many hours spent probing for insects. Photo by Jennifer Garbutt.

Handsome Green; the mud stains on his beak are evidence of many hours spent probing for insects. Photo by Jennifer Garbutt.

Towards the end of the month we fitted one of the oldest birds with a new radio transmitter. All of the birds carried transmitters before they were released in 2014; however, the sub-adult group moulted in June losing their transmitters in the process. We did not see a need to reattach them once their tail feathers had grown back, as the group was relatively predictable in their movements and returned to the aviary on a daily basis allowing us to easily keep an eye on them. However, with spring approaching, the oldest pairs may break away from the group and start looking for nesting territories.

Choughs reach sexual maturity at three-four years old, so four year old Green is the male most likely to set up a territory and there appears to be a strong pair bond between him and four year old female Blue. So, with high hopes for the breeding season, we decided to fit Green with a radio transmitter, enabling us to closely monitor the pair’s behaviour and track their movements. On a dry but very cold day, armed with plenty of hand warmers, we caught Green up in the aviary and fitted him with a new transmitter. This also provided us with the first opportunity to check his condition in the hand since he was released eight months ago and obtain a blood sample to screen for any potential health issues. He appeared the picture of health and is maintaining his weight well. We also replaced his colour ring which had faded, making identifying him at a distance or in poor light considerably easier. Fingers crossed we will have some nesting activity to monitor in the coming months! The dry stone walls bordering the conservation fields at Sorel seemed to be a popular foraging spot for the choughs this month. Photo by Harriet Clark.