February volunteer activity

Hedge planting. Photo courtesy of Department of the Environment

Sunday 11th February 2018 – Westlands Farm, Route de Franfief, St Brelade – 10:30-13.00

From Jersey Conservation Volunteers

The details The task this month focuses on planting native trees and hedging on field boundaries to create wildlife corridors, generally connecting existing areas of hedge and woodland habitat. The planting offsets losses caused Dutch Elm Disease, winter storms, the general over-maturity of our existing habitat and that lost to development and farming practices.

Three flagship mammal species are mentored and information and guidance is received form those groups who care for and monitor red squirrels, hedgehogs and bats. This is the 3rd or a 3-year programme planting for various bat species, linking up the ponds and wet meadows of Pont du Val and Le Parc du Pont Marquet.

Please contact Julia at j.meldrum@gov.je or Jon at jonparkes@nationaltrust.je or phone Julia on 441600 or Jon on 483193 before you go just case anything changes.

The site  Le Parc du Pont Marquet, St Brelade.

Parking  Meet at Westlands Farm, Route de Franfief, St Brelade. Look out for the Jersey Trees for Life banners and roadside stall selling logs and produce at the entrance to the property, turn into the entrance and parking will be at the end of the long concrete drive.

(Jersey phone directory Map 7, L15) Google maps here

The task Cutting back willows and other vegetation and dead hedging along the stream.

We will leave the carpark at 10:20 for a 10:30 start and with around 500 trees to plant we will start at 10:30 prompt and plan to work until about 12:30.

Tools needed Please bring your own spade if you have one (note garden forks and trowels are not suitable for this task), we have some spades but not enough for all.

Clothing needed. It may be cold and, being Jersey, it may be wet so please dress sensibly and wellies may be absolutely essential!

Children All are welcome, young or old. Children under 16 must be supervised by a parent or guardian during the task.

We’ll work until 12.30 when we will we will get stuck in to a piece of Kim’s gorgeous home-made cake and a hot drink.

See you there!


One thought on “February volunteer activity

  1. Absolutely brilliant. Let’s hope this sort of thing can ben extended to the rest o the British Isles.