The 2013 Inter-Island Environment Meeting is announced

Pleinmont Point, Guernsey. Photo by States of GuernseyThe organisers of 2013 Inter-Island Environment Meeting cordially invite you to Guernsey. This year’s event will be hosted by La Société Guernesiase at the Frossard Lecture Theatre in Candie Gardens on 17-18th October. There will also be an optional field trip planned for the Saturday (19th October).

Candie Gardens. Photo by States of GuernseyAt this stage the organisers would like to have some idea of numbers of delegates, topics and numbers of speakers, so if you are interested in attending the meeting or speaking at the meeting please contact the organisers by 31st July (e-mail address at bottom of page).

Talks/presentations are invited from anyone.  At this stage there is no focus on specific topics but they’d like to develop themes along the lines of “Strategies & Cooperation for Action” and “Engaging with the Community to promote Biodiversity”.  Please do not be put off by these titles – a mix of topics from terrestrial to marine as well as general and from as broad a spectrum of the “Environment Community” as possible will be welcome.

Yarrow Broomrape. Photo by Andrew McCutcheonTo help you with your planning the Organising Group for the Meeting has agreed the following:
• Start time on Thursday 17th October 10am (preceded by coffee/registration from 9am)
• Timings for the first day will be10am – 6pm. Lunch: 1-30pm – 3pm.  Refreshment breaks in morning & afternoon
• Timings for the second day will be 9am – 4pm. Lunch 12-30pm – 2pm. Refreshment breaks in morning & afternoon
• There will be optional dinner out on Thursday evening (venue TBA) and an optional bar meal on Friday evening (venue TBA)
• There will be an optional field trip on Saturday 10am – 1pm. Sites to be confirmed.  Optional lunch out afterwards.

A small charge will be levied on all delegates to cover refreshments and lunches for Thursday and Friday (please let the organisers know in advance of any special dietary requirements). The charge has yet to be decided and will depend on the level of any sponsorship – it is anticipated that a fee of no more than £25 per person will be collected at registration.

Delegates are responsible for all their own travel and accommodation arrangements.  For details of travel to Guernsey see e.g. Aurigny, Flybe, Blue Islands or Condor and for accommodation see Visit Guernsey

The event may be limited to a maximum of 70 delegates.  Whilst the organisers are not expecting a “sell out” they reserve the right to turn down bookings to encourage broad representation from the region and beyond (e.g. the Isle of Man and UK etc.). They look forward to hearing from you and to sharing what they hope will be an enjoyable and thought-provoking Inter-Island Environment Meeting!

Please e-mail the Guernsey Biological Records Centre at for more information and to book a place and what will undoubtedly be an exciting event.