One year after clearing an area of coastline of Hottentot fig in Alderney, look at this display of native flowers coming into their own! This site now has kidney vetch Anthyllis vulneraria, cat’s ear Hypochaeris radicata, stemless (dwarf) thistle Cirsium acaule and bastard toadflax Comandra umbellata all coming back into their own!
This change of fortunes has been brought about by the hard work of the local conservation volunteers. If you are visiting Alderney, you can join in too, there’s no need to attend regularly or even be a resident on the Island, just go along to one of the Wednesday or Saturday afternoon sessions (contact But don’t fear if you are not planning to visit the northern island in the near future, there are plenty of opportunities on the other islands to get after those figs and other invasive plants. A few hours here or there can make a huge difference and who needs a gym when you can keep fit and help our biodiversity! In Jersey, look out for the activities of our own Jersey Conservation Volunteers